MOD Armory just finished the vendor night shoot at the International Sniper Competition at Fort Benning, Georgia. We were glad to be invited to demonstrate a wide variety of night vision products including a yet-to-be-released clip-on prototype. Designed to compete with the PVS-22, actual performance of this prototype at the Fort Benning night shoot solidly compared favorably with the PVS-27 at half the weight and size.
We also demonstrated a new recoil compensating PVS-14 rated for use on rifles in the 7.62 NATO/.308 class. Mounted on a LaRue OBR behind a Leupold Mark 6 1-6 power scope. Using the Laser Devices DBAL D2 illuminator to detect the silhouette, shooters were able to make solid hits on steel at 422 meters under challenging moonless overcast conditions. Designed to be used behind a zero-power red-dot sight, this non-standard use behind a scope set at 3-power was more impressive than expected.
For most attendees this was the first time they could compare clip-ons side-by-side and actually shoot with them.
The event was heavily attended by competitors and cadre, and a great time was had by all during this first open night shoot at the competition.
Being right next to the Barrett M107A1 and MRAD .338 Lapua Magnum shooters was like going three rounds with Mike Tyson though, and even two levels of hearing protection didn’t prevent the body-blow blast overpressure. The Barrett crew really added to the excitement and drew lots of attendees past our shooting position.
Pictures from the Vendor Night Shoot; captured with a PVS-14 and MOD Armorys iPhone Adapter.
We also demonstrated a new recoil compensating PVS-14 rated for use on rifles in the 7.62 NATO/.308 class. Mounted on a LaRue OBR behind a Leupold Mark 6 1-6 power scope. Using the Laser Devices DBAL D2 illuminator to detect the silhouette, shooters were able to make solid hits on steel at 422 meters under challenging moonless overcast conditions. Designed to be used behind a zero-power red-dot sight, this non-standard use behind a scope set at 3-power was more impressive than expected.
For most attendees this was the first time they could compare clip-ons side-by-side and actually shoot with them.
The event was heavily attended by competitors and cadre, and a great time was had by all during this first open night shoot at the competition.
Being right next to the Barrett M107A1 and MRAD .338 Lapua Magnum shooters was like going three rounds with Mike Tyson though, and even two levels of hearing protection didn’t prevent the body-blow blast overpressure. The Barrett crew really added to the excitement and drew lots of attendees past our shooting position.
Pictures from the Vendor Night Shoot; captured with a PVS-14 and MOD Armorys iPhone Adapter.