Modern Day Sniper Precision Rifle 101 - San Diego County, CA - March 15-18, 2021


Full Member
Feb 12, 2017
Modern Day Sniper will be down in San Diego County, California hosting their PR101 course!

Dates: March 15-18, 2021
Location: Pala Shooting Range,
Host: Jorge Ortiz @NoLegs24
Instructors: Phillip Velayo + Caylen Wojcik
Price: $1300 (That includes range fees)

Registration: PR101 - San Diego County, CA

The PR 101 course is your introduction to precision long range shooting. We're covering everything from the Circle of Components all the way through introduction to positional shooting. We're here to help you establish your baseline of skills as a rifleman, and show you how to be successful on your own once you leave us.

Make no mistake, this is an introduction to precision shooting and the curriculum is framed to reflect that, BUT.... If you're a seasoned shooter looking to hone the fundamentals this is a great course to attend for a different perspective. As a seasoned shooter it's always good to take a fundamental reset, we do it all the time. You can make use of the drills in different ways and get some coaching on the finer things you're working on.

FB Events Link:
Event - PR101 - San Diego County, CA

if you have any questions please feel free to e-mail: [email protected]
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