The Welrod pistol is one of those magnificent, elusive bastards that everyone wants, but don't appear to exist on the collector market. There's been discussions about them on this forum and none have turned up in any of our collections, which is rather surprising because the people who frequent the Vintage Section can usually find anything! I have no idea if there's any in collector's hands or if they're all relegated to random museums.
Even though we can't get an original Welrod, last year B&T helped scratch that itch when they released their VP9 pistol (not to be confused with the HK VP9). The VP9 stands for "Veterinary Pistol 9mm", and was marketed by B&T as a way to humanely dispatch wounded animals or whatever. But we all know this pistols lineage and it had nothing to do with veterinary purposes.
A few years ago B&T was tasked by a government agency to make 25 ultra quiet pistols. They looked back at historical records and decided not to reinvent the wheel, but to improve upon an existing design and make a modern version of the Welrod. This pistol was extremely successful, so B&T decided to bring to to market. They were supposed to make 250 of these new VP9 kits, but there might be less than that released.
The VP9 pistol itself features a barrel that has holes in it to bleed off gas, which turns any 9mm round subsonic. The magazine is also the grip and the pistol can still fire without it in place (with a cartridge chambered), which adds to it's concealability. This is also a 2 stamp gun, since 2 silencers are included in the kit. One silencer has the wipes, which makes it amazingly quiet, the other has baffles and functions like other "normal" silencers.
Even though the B&T VP9 is sold out, the company is going to be releasing the Station 6 pistol soon. It's similar to the VP9, but will come with only 1 silencer, there's no holes in the barrel to bleed gas, the grip isn't the magazine and doesn't detach, and it will be available in 9mm and .45 ACP. The Station 6 will also be significantly cheaper than the VP9.
The VP9 was very difficult to find and all the dealers are sold out, but I managed to find one recently! I got to take the case and the pistol home, but unfortunately the silencers had to remain behind at my FFL until the tax stamps clear. Here's a photo of my kit:
I'm also on the waiting list for a Station 6 in .45 ACP, hopefully that will come in sometime soon with the dealer I ordered it from. I think he already had some of the 9mm come in, so the Station 6 pistols are definitely shipping out to dealers and are available right now. If you're someone who's always been interested in the Welrod and have been pining over one, this your opportunity to acquire it's modern equivalent! It's not practical in anyway, but fuck it, we like guns and this one is awesome! I'll post some more pics and info when the tax stamps come back in a few months, until then I just have to be patient and wait.

Even though we can't get an original Welrod, last year B&T helped scratch that itch when they released their VP9 pistol (not to be confused with the HK VP9). The VP9 stands for "Veterinary Pistol 9mm", and was marketed by B&T as a way to humanely dispatch wounded animals or whatever. But we all know this pistols lineage and it had nothing to do with veterinary purposes.

A few years ago B&T was tasked by a government agency to make 25 ultra quiet pistols. They looked back at historical records and decided not to reinvent the wheel, but to improve upon an existing design and make a modern version of the Welrod. This pistol was extremely successful, so B&T decided to bring to to market. They were supposed to make 250 of these new VP9 kits, but there might be less than that released.
The VP9 pistol itself features a barrel that has holes in it to bleed off gas, which turns any 9mm round subsonic. The magazine is also the grip and the pistol can still fire without it in place (with a cartridge chambered), which adds to it's concealability. This is also a 2 stamp gun, since 2 silencers are included in the kit. One silencer has the wipes, which makes it amazingly quiet, the other has baffles and functions like other "normal" silencers.
Even though the B&T VP9 is sold out, the company is going to be releasing the Station 6 pistol soon. It's similar to the VP9, but will come with only 1 silencer, there's no holes in the barrel to bleed gas, the grip isn't the magazine and doesn't detach, and it will be available in 9mm and .45 ACP. The Station 6 will also be significantly cheaper than the VP9.
The VP9 was very difficult to find and all the dealers are sold out, but I managed to find one recently! I got to take the case and the pistol home, but unfortunately the silencers had to remain behind at my FFL until the tax stamps clear. Here's a photo of my kit:

I'm also on the waiting list for a Station 6 in .45 ACP, hopefully that will come in sometime soon with the dealer I ordered it from. I think he already had some of the 9mm come in, so the Station 6 pistols are definitely shipping out to dealers and are available right now. If you're someone who's always been interested in the Welrod and have been pining over one, this your opportunity to acquire it's modern equivalent! It's not practical in anyway, but fuck it, we like guns and this one is awesome! I'll post some more pics and info when the tax stamps come back in a few months, until then I just have to be patient and wait.