Hunting & Fishing Modern Muzzleloading Resources


Bad Advice Given Authoritatively
Full Member
Oct 23, 2006
After spending hours and hours reading numerous forum posts on other sites, many outdated and all but abandoned, and researching countless sites offering everything from complete rifle builds to parts and pieces, it strikes me that a single resource thread for information might be useful.

Here are some decent resources that I have found as I searched for information about upgrading my old Savage ML10-II. It's a great rifle as is, but I did want to get a little more distance out of her, so I am upgrading the ignition system, my obsolete powder charge, and the bullets I shooting.
If that doesn't get me to where I want to be then perhaps I'll go the other route fully and go the sabotless full custom build route.

Posted to hunting section rather than rifles on purpose, as this encompasses bolt guns as well as break actions, and I think more hunters start here.

Custom Builds and Parts:

Arrowhead Rifles - Phoenix, AZ

Complete Rifles
Parts and Accessories for Multiple Platforms
Hankins Custom Rifles - Kentucky
Complete Rifles starting below $1000
Innovative Parts and Accessories for Existing Platforms
Reamers and Dies
Great Youtube Resources

DSS Custom Guns - Amelia, VA
Complete Rifles on Multiple Actions
Custom Gunsmithing

Bad Bull Muzzleloaders - Princeton, KY
Custom Rifles & Accessories

McWhorter Custom Rifles - Doerun, GA
Custom Rifles

Best of the West - Cody, WY
Custom Rifles

Smith's Custom Guns -Warren, PA
Custom Rifles and Shotguns

Projectiles, Sabots, and Accessories:

Parker Productions - Troy, ID
Bullets and Accessories

Swing Lock, Inc. - Erie, PA
Bullet Sizing Dies for Sabotless Rifles

SpinjJag, Inc - Richmond, VA
Bullet Starters and Jags

MMP SABOTS - Harrison, AR
Muzzleloading Sabots

BP Bullets - Indiahoma, OK
Ignition Conversion Kits
Components & Accessories

Precision Rifle
Ignition Parts & Conversions

Load Data and Technical Resources

Randy Wakeman Outdoors
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After spending hours and hours reading numerous forum posts on other sites, many outdated and all but abandoned, and researching countless sites offering everything from complete rifle builds to parts and pieces, it strikes me that a single resource thread for information might be useful.

Here are some decent resources that I have found as I searched for information about upgrading my old Savage ML10-II. It's a great rifle as is, but I did want to get a little more distance out of her, so I am upgrading the ignition system, my obsolete powder charge, and the bullets I shooting.
If that doesn't get me to where I want to be then perhaps I'll go the other route fully and go the sabotless full custom build route.

Posted to hunting section rather than rifles on purpose, as this encompasses bolt guns as well as break actions, and I think more hunters start here.

Custom Builds and Parts:

Arrowhead Rifles - Phoenix, AZ

Complete Rifles
Parts and Accessories for Multiple Platforms
Hankins Custom Rifles - Kentucky
Complete Rifles starting below $1000
Innovative Parts and Accessories for Existing Platforms
Reamers and Dies
Great Youtube Resources

DSS Custom Guns - Amelia, VA
Complete Rifles on Multiple Actions
Custom Gunsmithing

Bad Bull Muzzleloaders - Princeton, KY
Custom Rifles & Accessories

McWhorter Custom Rifles - Doerun, GA
Custom Rifles

Best of the West - Cody, WY
Custom Rifles

Smith's Custom Guns -Warren, PA
Custom Rifles and Shotguns

Projectiles, Sabots, and Accessories:

Parker Productions - Troy, ID
Bullets and Accessories

Swing Lock, Inc. - Erie, PA
Bullet Sizing Dies for Sabotless Rifles

SpinjJag, Inc - Richmond, VA
Bullet Starters and Jags

MMP SABOTS - Harrison, AR
Muzzleloading Sabots

BP Bullets - Indiahoma, OK
Ignition Conversion Kits
Components & Accessories

Precision Rifle
Ignition Parts & Conversions

Load Data and Technical Resources

Randy Wakeman Outdoors
I am interested in muzzleloaders and would like input on load development for a TC Encore using 250 gr TC easy glides with buckhorn 209 powder. I started with 80 gr weight and have been able to get near perfect windage but 5 plus groupings.
I clean after every shot using a TC cleaning patch followed by a dry patch.

am a bit frustrated: any words of wisdom?
I am not that familiar with TC setups, but there is some information out there.

Beyond what's mentioned in that article I would recommend trying Parker bullets and MMP sabots, and load them with Spin Jag starter and ramrod tip.

If you are hunting where you can use smokeless powder (I see you're from Virginia?) then you definitely should capitalize on that opportunity.
You may have to upgrade your equipment to do that, but it is 100% worth the cost and effort.
ML season here in VA is THE time to catch a big buck moving around during daylight hours. I know it's just two weeks, but it's the best two weeks of the entire year and worth the expense of using better equipment.
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Thank you for the information and you response.
I had some success yesterday day shooting under 2” group at 100 yards. I switched to an old load I had been using and it gave me better results. This consisted of TC 250 SHOCKWAVE sabotted bullet with 3 777 pellets and CCI primers. It’s not what I ultimately want but I am out of time for the Va season.
My goal is to stay with the TC 250 gr shockwave but workup a load using bh209 powder. I like the bh209 but, I had been loading between 75 and 90 gr by weight. I am going to evaluate loads from 100 to 115gr by weight. Also consistent cleaning between shots with a cleaning patch followed by a dry patch.


I really like the encore and have gotten some really nice VA buck with it over the last few years.

AGAIN....Thank you
I'm not sure weighing your charges is necessary. I measure BH209 by volume only - the size is so consistent across grains of powder I don't think there is a need for weighted charges.

My load:
100g by volume of BH209
300g Harvester Scorpion White Lightning
Harvester EZ load High Pressure Sabot (green for 0.430 projectiles)
Federal 209 primer

This is shot out of my CVA Accura V2. I am getting 3/4 inch 3 shot groups at 118 (don't ask, stupid range - i know. Also 5 shots isn't pleasant behind this combo so 3 is good enough for me). I don't swab between shots at all. The biggest thing I have seen affect my accuracy has been a dirty breech plug. I do clean the barrel and breech plug after each range session.

I had really good luck calling Harvester and asking them for help. They knew my muzzleloader better than I did. Super helpful people. Also, the folks at Western Powders (BH209) were great resources as well.