There are a few barrel makers that void the warranty if you shoot moly coated bullets. However, I font know know of any that do that if you use moly to coat the barrel. Like sentry solutions BP2000 and smooth coat. Thats what I use and I've found that since I started using it it takes alot more shooting to foul up a barrel to the point where it needs cleaned. If you want more info do a search for burnishing a barrel with moly. I believe Bartlien does this to their barrels.

I think you have to ask yourself "why" use moly and what are the advantages and disadvantages .
Firstly moly decreases friction which means less pressure behind the pojectile and less speed-you have to up your load for the same speed as the none moly projo .Barrel wear -well I dont care about it as barrels last long enough anyway with thousand of rounds down them but the throats dont and moly wont help throat wear as its an action of intense heat rather than friction from the projo .
Cleaning side of things I dont know as I dont do it that often .

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HillbillyfromAL</div><div class="ubbcode-body">There are a few barrel makers that void the warranty if you shoot moly coated bullets. However, I font know know of any that do that if you use moly to coat the barrel. Like sentry solutions BP2000 and smooth coat. Thats what I use and I've found that since I started using it it takes alot more shooting to foul up a barrel to the point where it needs cleaned. If you want more info do a search for burnishing a barrel with moly. I believe Bartlien does this to their barrels. </div></div>
Rock Creek Barrels moly burnishes the bore and recommends 20 shots before the first cleaning. Moly coated bullets have proven to be hard on the throat, building up moly and copper fouling on top of each other making it nearly impossible to clean out. At intervals, I clean my barrel down to bare metal and re-burnish it with Sentry Solutions moly.

First off this is a reloading question not ELR question!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Ring</div><div class="ubbcode-body">go HBN.. all the + of moly, NONE of the -.... </div></div>

HbN does everything Moly is supposed to do, but way better because HbN has a lower coeffient of drag and does not have any of Moly's negatives like build up or trapping water between layers, HbN will replace Moly, HbN will replace Danzac, HbN is simply a better choice for coating bullets, and if you think cleaning a Moly barrel is easy, after a 1000 rounds of 155 Scenars pushed out at 3050 my Rock cleaned up in 5 minutes, borescope proved. I stopped coating bullets myself because its a pain in the ass, my time is better spent shooting.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BOLTRIPPER</div><div class="ubbcode-body">i break target steel with Moly................. </div></div>I heard you just broke wind </div></div>
This site needs more of this!

I bought a used 6.5x284 that has had only Moly shot through it has right and 785 rds and the throat looks pretty rough and heat cracked. I talked to the guys at Bruno Shooters Supply in PHX and they reccomend against shooting moly coated bullets. He was telling me it was kind of a fad that has died off and several MFG have stopped making Moly due to the dissadvantages and the interst dying off. So when I rebarrel I wont be shooting moly but I will finish this one off shooting moly because from my understanding thats pretty much my only choice since its nearly impossible to get moly out of the barrel.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: carvercalls</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Either you like Moly or you dont.. Personally I do.. </div></div>either you like wearing womans clothing or you dont -its not really a reason to do so just because you personally "I do " why do you personally like moly -advantages that you percieve that you get ??

Come on you mean it doesn't act like Astroglide for bullets? Other than the previously mentioned negative side effects from moly coated bullets ie excessive throat damage. (if it were like Astroglide maybe it would reduce that?) I believe it cuts your windage in half, decreases your drop by 25%, and leaves a silver trail in the bullets path.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I think you have to ask yourself "why" use moly and what are the advantages and disadvantages .
Firstly moly decreases friction which means less pressure behind the pojectile and less speed-you have to up your load for the same speed as the none moly projo .Barrel wear -well I dont care about it as barrels last long enough anyway with thousand of rounds down them but the throats dont and moly wont help throat wear as its an action of intense heat rather than friction from the projo .
Cleaning side of things I dont know as I dont do it that often .</div></div>

Aren't you missing whale wars right now? I'm just shittin with you there Ch'e, but you are wrong about the moly. If used properly, not on the bullet itself, it can decrease the overall pressure. However that doesn't mean the bullet travels slower. The way I like to describe it is an engine piston. If the oil is bad you can still have good compression it just creates more heat and pressure to achieve it than if you had clean good oil in the engine. If it smooths out the tiny hills and valleys and reduces metal to metal contact it makes a more efficient machine. It's no different with a bullet going down a barrel. If you've got a shitty new clean bore it will fill copper from the jacket and shoot faster and more accurately over time. The moly burnishing is similar to lapping the barrel except now your not removing anything but adding it. Moly is slicker than steel and fills those micro fractures to give you a more efficient barrel by making it smoother and reducing metal to metal contact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ch'e</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Kuletchi said:
Perhaps I should re-write the question to
Would I shoot a tighter group with moly or not?
That depends entirely on how you intend to shoot and clean.
If you intend to clean every 20 to 30 shots then moly will not help you much at all and in that circumstance uncoated bullets may group tighter.
However I f you intend to clean after a string of 100 or 200 bullets then the moly will usually produce more consistant groups after the point that uncoated bullets would start to loose accuracy from copper fouling.

There is so many wrong concepts in this entire thread I don't know where to start. Moly is not slicker than steel when it's moly on steel.
Moly has a high coefficient of friction against other materials but a low coefficient of friction against itself . So once both surfaces have a moly coating the free molecules of MoS2 slide over eachother in the loose surface area of the coating , to do this some buildup is necessary and is not a negative as long as you clean at some point . The lamellar structure of moly allows it to support the weight and pressure of the object being driven against the opposing surface. Most people panic when they see some darker moly build up and start scrubbing like mad , when infact that is what you need to protect the barrel . You just don't let it build up for ever . I clean my 223 lightly about every 300 shots.
I dissagree that moly will not help throat wear it will not stop it but it slows it down . I like it because it allows a lot of shooting without too much cleaning and gives good accuracy at the same time.
Do an experiment , fire 300 uncoated bullets through a new clean barrel without any cleaning and see what happens. Your accuracy will go right off and it will be hard to get clean. Then try moly but don't buy some black painted bullet from the gunshop that they say is moly coated . Coat your own bullets with pure MoS2 and see the difference . If you don't like it , then you don't use it.
Some people think that they can tumble a few bullets in a pill bottle for a few minuets and thats moly coated . That is one of the problems with Moly it is so darn easy to get some kind of coating that looks ok no matter how crap that coating is .
Also HBN does have a lower coefficient of friction against other materials but that is not what is happening in the bore.
It is Moly on Moly and HBN on HBN and in that scenario Moly has equal coefficient of friction and superior load bearing ability.
Because HBN does not build up like Moly it can not seperate the opposing load forces or protect the barrel steel as well as Moly does. It is cleaner to use but if you coat well the Moly bullet will have a coating that does not come off on your fingers.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bigwheels</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Moly has absolutly no effect on exterior ballistics. </div></div>
That may not be right as tests done by pushing coated and uncoated bullets through barrels with steel rods proved that the coated bullet had less engraving from the lands and no copper extrusions from the grooves left on a flat base bullet . So this has to contribute to a higher BC . How much is very hard to say but I have noticed that some coated bullets shot flatter than uncoated ones . Also some cut rifled barrels engrave the bullet so deep that at high velocity the bullet can come apart in the air , moly coat them and in many cases it stopped .

Ok. Point taken. I have been using moly for all my magnum rifles for years, & haven't seen any of the drawbacks some note with moly. I use it for brl life, & I can get higher MV with lower pressures. Don't use it in my 308, as brl life isn't an issue with smaller cartridges. I think it does add brl life as I have an old 338WM with over 2K rnds down a factory tube, & my 1 yr old Krieger 300WM has over 1500 rnds down, & the throat has only moved .007" since the first few hundred. Both are shooting stout loads.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bigwheels</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ok. Point taken. I have been using moly for all my magnum rifles for years, & haven't seen any of the drawbacks some note with moly. I use it for brl life, & I can get higher MV with lower pressures. Don't use it in my 308, as brl life isn't an issue with smaller cartridges. I think it does add brl life as I have an old 338WM with over 2K rnds down a factory tube, & my 1 yr old Krieger 300WM has over 1500 rnds down, & the throat has only moved .007" since the first few hundred. Both are shooting stout loads. </div></div>
I agree with your experience similar to mine. The trouble is that if someone reads something that talks about a potential problem they automaticly assume that means a problem exists that will affect them no matter what and that is just not the case . Moly works if you do it right .