Tonight on the WTF spotlight: Lucas Werner...
Residents of Spokane, WA State better watch out for this fucking character. 40+ year old militant "anarcho-communist" who is single, angry, and ready to fuck. LOL... Apparently he is homeless, wants to commit acts of violence upon any "Trump supporters" or "right wingers", and is desperately horny...... For 16-20 year old women.
And....... After his "ideal date" with his dream girl, he wants to lay with her all night and talk about his sperm, telomeres, and the finer points of biology. In HIS OWN fucking words. He is so desperate that he has resorted to putting up "attraction posters" on utility poles all over Spokane. Like these:
"Call me at the homeless shelter"... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA that is fucking GOLD...
And like the Internet's MOST famous LOLcow, Chris Chan, Lucas CANNOT refrain from posting EVERY SINGLE FUCKING aspect of his daily life, his horrible culinary skills, his sexual frustration for not being able to get a 16-20 year old woman to sleep with him, his love for Bernie Sanders, and his hatred of Trump supporters on his Twitter, Instagram, and other places every minute and hour. These are some of his tweets:
I am sure they were smitten by you...
Huh.... wh...wh... what???
Dammit dude, you are taking all of the pussy. Save some for the rest of us, man...
Okay, so I am kind of late to cover this latest freakshow. Apparently, KiwiFarms and 4Chan had found him way before and had been clowning the shit out of him for a while now, leading to some of YouTube's biggest documentary producers who exclusively focus on LOLcows to do entire biographies on his sad little life. So here are some of the highlights...
*Bipolar schizophrenic with poor adherence to medication regimen and violent tendencies. Have been arrested in the past for assault on a family member, leading them to disown him and kick him out.
*From then on, he lived solely off of SSI and disability. No job history or attempts to get a job.
*Self proclaimed anarcho communist and militant extreme leftist. Seems to have been quite active during this summer's riots and CHAZ saga in Seattle, from his tweets about being "pepper sprayed and beaten" by police...
* Got banned from a downtown Spokane Starbucks for giving a very sexually explicit note to a 16 year old barista. Was actually covered on local news. This marked the start of his rapid downward spiral.
* Wanted to go to college so he can "get degrees on advanced biology, age gap breeding, sperm studies, and astrobiology and sweep women off their feet" with his knowledge.
*Actually gets into a local community college with financial aid but drops out less than one term later because "math is too hard, math is everywhere", "hates English courses", and the "biology courses are not too advanced" for him... Oh boy, ain't that a...... mouthful.....
* OBSESSED with girls 16 years of age to 20. Cannot make a single tweet out of the thousands of tweets on his social media or a single video out of his 800+ YouTube videos without professing his desperate need to sleep with them and how frustrated he is for not being able to "score".
* Manages to get an apartment with his disability checks and spends all his time designing and making board games, bragging and making videos about them.
* Gets kicked out of the apartment shortly after because he had tried to blackmail all of the female residents into having sex with him, reporting them to the police for "heroin use and trafficking" when they refused. Of course everybody in the city knows just how big of a piece of shit he is by now so the building management boots his ass.
* Gets into a homeless shelter and is very soon kicked out AGAIN because he tried flirting with EVERY female volunteer and worker inside. Shortly after being escorted off the premises by security, he posted this bizarre and barely coherent rant onto YouTube...
*And of course, being an Internet LOLcow like Lucas Werner, Chris Chan, Onision, or IowaKnight means that you are free game for trolls and other people who just want to clown the fuck out of you. Lucas Werner, despite putting up a rage filled, violent persona all the time (which honestly scares nobody in reality), is no exception to this rule. Like Chris Chan, many trolls have contacted him from the cell phone numbers he listed on the various "attraction ads" that he had taped up all over town or his social media accounts, pretending to be women in his ideal age range who were interested in him getting him to confide all of his nastier secrets and having a hell of a fun old time posting all of that shit for the entire Internet to see. Some have even catfished him, sending him on long distance trips as far away as Ohio and Virginia to meet his supposed "dream girls", only to end in disappointment when nobody showed up to meet him. One catfishing attempt tried to get him to go all the way to the UK but Lucas either did not summon up enough determination to make the trip, or he wizened up just a little from his previous failures...
Those are just SOME of the highlights into this clown's existence. Now we are going to look at some of his memes....... Yes you read that correctly. This motherfucker also believes that he is the king of memes...
Holy fucking shit... We all know already that the left cannot meme... But this mofo takes it to an entirely new category of bizarre, as they revolve mostly around himself and his inability to score some tail... The ones below are all created by him...
Uhh... Probably because they are too busy trying to run as far away from you as possible...
Sigh... As if the supposed "racism and nazism" present in everything is not enough... Now we got what? "Agephobia"... What does that even mean?
Well, you are a LOLcow who have exposed all of your inner secrets and vulnerabilities onto the Internet... Which means that you are fair game to any online prankster wanting shits and giggles at YOUR expense... Consider yourself lucky that you have not attracted the attention of somebody with even more potential serial killer material than you and hailing from the darker corners of the Net, like Jacob Sockness, who is VERY into man butt and wants to give his male objects of infatuation lots of "sex magic". LOL
LOL no, Japan's age of consent is actually 17... And, a fella named Kyle Rittenhouse knows exactly how freakazoids like you need to be treated...
Last but not least, for those who want to take a deeper look into this trainwreck of utmost hilarity and cringe, YouTuber Walter Fate had made a whole series of videos documenting this weirdo. Posting them in chronological order below...
Part 1...
Part 2...
Part 3...
Part 4...

Residents of Spokane, WA State better watch out for this fucking character. 40+ year old militant "anarcho-communist" who is single, angry, and ready to fuck. LOL... Apparently he is homeless, wants to commit acts of violence upon any "Trump supporters" or "right wingers", and is desperately horny...... For 16-20 year old women.

And....... After his "ideal date" with his dream girl, he wants to lay with her all night and talk about his sperm, telomeres, and the finer points of biology. In HIS OWN fucking words. He is so desperate that he has resorted to putting up "attraction posters" on utility poles all over Spokane. Like these:

"Call me at the homeless shelter"... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA that is fucking GOLD...

And like the Internet's MOST famous LOLcow, Chris Chan, Lucas CANNOT refrain from posting EVERY SINGLE FUCKING aspect of his daily life, his horrible culinary skills, his sexual frustration for not being able to get a 16-20 year old woman to sleep with him, his love for Bernie Sanders, and his hatred of Trump supporters on his Twitter, Instagram, and other places every minute and hour. These are some of his tweets:

I am sure they were smitten by you...

Huh.... wh...wh... what???

Dammit dude, you are taking all of the pussy. Save some for the rest of us, man...
Okay, so I am kind of late to cover this latest freakshow. Apparently, KiwiFarms and 4Chan had found him way before and had been clowning the shit out of him for a while now, leading to some of YouTube's biggest documentary producers who exclusively focus on LOLcows to do entire biographies on his sad little life. So here are some of the highlights...
*Bipolar schizophrenic with poor adherence to medication regimen and violent tendencies. Have been arrested in the past for assault on a family member, leading them to disown him and kick him out.
*From then on, he lived solely off of SSI and disability. No job history or attempts to get a job.
*Self proclaimed anarcho communist and militant extreme leftist. Seems to have been quite active during this summer's riots and CHAZ saga in Seattle, from his tweets about being "pepper sprayed and beaten" by police...
* Got banned from a downtown Spokane Starbucks for giving a very sexually explicit note to a 16 year old barista. Was actually covered on local news. This marked the start of his rapid downward spiral.
* Wanted to go to college so he can "get degrees on advanced biology, age gap breeding, sperm studies, and astrobiology and sweep women off their feet" with his knowledge.
*Actually gets into a local community college with financial aid but drops out less than one term later because "math is too hard, math is everywhere", "hates English courses", and the "biology courses are not too advanced" for him... Oh boy, ain't that a...... mouthful.....
* OBSESSED with girls 16 years of age to 20. Cannot make a single tweet out of the thousands of tweets on his social media or a single video out of his 800+ YouTube videos without professing his desperate need to sleep with them and how frustrated he is for not being able to "score".

* Manages to get an apartment with his disability checks and spends all his time designing and making board games, bragging and making videos about them.

* Gets kicked out of the apartment shortly after because he had tried to blackmail all of the female residents into having sex with him, reporting them to the police for "heroin use and trafficking" when they refused. Of course everybody in the city knows just how big of a piece of shit he is by now so the building management boots his ass.
* Gets into a homeless shelter and is very soon kicked out AGAIN because he tried flirting with EVERY female volunteer and worker inside. Shortly after being escorted off the premises by security, he posted this bizarre and barely coherent rant onto YouTube...
*And of course, being an Internet LOLcow like Lucas Werner, Chris Chan, Onision, or IowaKnight means that you are free game for trolls and other people who just want to clown the fuck out of you. Lucas Werner, despite putting up a rage filled, violent persona all the time (which honestly scares nobody in reality), is no exception to this rule. Like Chris Chan, many trolls have contacted him from the cell phone numbers he listed on the various "attraction ads" that he had taped up all over town or his social media accounts, pretending to be women in his ideal age range who were interested in him getting him to confide all of his nastier secrets and having a hell of a fun old time posting all of that shit for the entire Internet to see. Some have even catfished him, sending him on long distance trips as far away as Ohio and Virginia to meet his supposed "dream girls", only to end in disappointment when nobody showed up to meet him. One catfishing attempt tried to get him to go all the way to the UK but Lucas either did not summon up enough determination to make the trip, or he wizened up just a little from his previous failures...
Those are just SOME of the highlights into this clown's existence. Now we are going to look at some of his memes....... Yes you read that correctly. This motherfucker also believes that he is the king of memes...

Holy fucking shit... We all know already that the left cannot meme... But this mofo takes it to an entirely new category of bizarre, as they revolve mostly around himself and his inability to score some tail... The ones below are all created by him...

Uhh... Probably because they are too busy trying to run as far away from you as possible...

Sigh... As if the supposed "racism and nazism" present in everything is not enough... Now we got what? "Agephobia"... What does that even mean?

Well, you are a LOLcow who have exposed all of your inner secrets and vulnerabilities onto the Internet... Which means that you are fair game to any online prankster wanting shits and giggles at YOUR expense... Consider yourself lucky that you have not attracted the attention of somebody with even more potential serial killer material than you and hailing from the darker corners of the Net, like Jacob Sockness, who is VERY into man butt and wants to give his male objects of infatuation lots of "sex magic". LOL

LOL no, Japan's age of consent is actually 17... And, a fella named Kyle Rittenhouse knows exactly how freakazoids like you need to be treated...
Last but not least, for those who want to take a deeper look into this trainwreck of utmost hilarity and cringe, YouTuber Walter Fate had made a whole series of videos documenting this weirdo. Posting them in chronological order below...
Part 1...
Part 2...
Part 3...
Part 4...
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