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Member Link Up Monthly Western KY Shoot @ RockCastle 11-16-2013 8:30 am

Can't speak for Rockcastle Shooting Center, but it would appear that is the case.

It seems that RCSC would rather deal with large scale / formal events, versus allowing small groups of local shooters to use the range.

Needless to say RCSC has a hotel to fill up, and the local shoots were not doing that. The numbers for the local shoots were also up and down.

I had high hopes for RCSC years ago when they started, but that I have pretty much thrown in the towel, and I am now shooting at other locations.

It is their business, and they can run it as they see fit! That being the case, I am not going to be trying to send anymore local business their way.
I recently became a member at rockcastle. And I actually heard about you guys from the woman at the front desk the day I went out to the 1000yrd range. I was looking forward to to seeing how y'all set up and asking a shitload of questions. I am new to LR mostly due to the fact of proximity of adequate ranges and budget.

But if I can be of any help with getting a shoot together let me know.
I would do a membership again if they did some actual work. Worrying about seeing through/over weeds, and basically being in a field isn't worth it. A weekend with a dozer would do wonders making berms at 100 yd increments and being able to see your shots in dirt.
My membership will expire in May and I will not rejoin. There is no advantage of being a member for the 1100 yard range. It cost the same to shoot there if you go with the group, you just can't reserve it on your own. I guess I'm just going to do the new shoots for $50 per person so $100 a day for me and my son , it's not that much more and it sounds like it will be a good shoot.
Here are my feelings on the long range there (insert sarcasm here):

"Greetings we appreciate your new membership at our field (sorry, rifle range). With your annual membership you will enjoy a limited shooting experience and must make an appointment. Otherwise, feel free to shoot as much as you want, as long as you ask first, made an appointment and there is nothing else scheduled.
As we are a long distance rifle range, targets will not be provided, best to bring your own. Included in your membership, the grass may or may not be cut. So you may want to bring your own mower. If not, you will not be able to see the targets that you provided. If it has rained, you may or may not have access to the range. Best to schedule for another time, if available and the grass has been cut. Otherwise enjoy your new membership at the long field (sorry, rifle range)”.

Just kidding of course but I think they are really missing a huge opportunity. Don’t get me wrong, I love shooting there. Just think they are missing the boat. Like others have said, if they spent some money and made this an actual range, they could probably pull in MANY memberships. They have lodging which is good, location is good, the range distance is good. If they put some gravel down for the entrance road, cut the grass, provide targets, put some tables in, maybe some cover. Make an on-line schedule, day’s range is rented, open days, maintenance days etc.

Other ranges do this, they could as well.
Here are my feelings on the long range there (insert sarcasm here):

"Greetings we appreciate your new membership at our field (sorry, rifle range). With your annual membership you will enjoy a limited shooting experience and must make an appointment. Otherwise, feel free to shoot as much as you want, as long as you ask first, made an appointment and there is nothing else scheduled.
As we are a long distance rifle range, targets will not be provided, best to bring your own. Included in your membership, the grass may or may not be cut. So you may want to bring your own mower. If not, you will not be able to see the targets that you provided. If it has rained, you may or may not have access to the range. Best to schedule for another time, if available and the grass has been cut. Otherwise enjoy your new membership at the long field (sorry, rifle range)”.

Could not have sad it any better myself!

At $25 a day, I was more willing to deal with it all, because honestly, there were very few other options!

Now that it is going to be $50 a day, not so much. I say that because I can see the attendance numbers going up for some of the shoots, and unless they do finally make some improvements, based on previous experiences there, it is not going to go real well. I say that because:
- Access & Parking: if the weather goes south, better have a 4WD or good luck!
- Fire Line / Target Access: on a number of the other shoots, whether it was terrain, grass, etc, you could easily end up in a firing position where you could NOT see half of the targets.
- Target Feedback: with 20+ people shooting simultaneously on the firing line, good luck figuring out if it was your shot or someone else's that impacted in the target area.

My understanding is that the property is in a "Set Aside / Crop Rotation" program, which means it is agriculture land which can not be improved in anyway. This impacts the taxes being paid on the land, so unless that changes, I doubt that they will make any improvements.

If they actually build a proper access road, parking area, and firing line, then I am all for it. If not, I will make do with other options.
I don't mind shooting in a field or humping my own targets...but $25 per time per shooter should cover hitting 'Thunder Valley' with a mower every month April through September...if only a strip down the middle from firing line to tree line.
I recently became a member at rockcastle. And I actually heard about you guys from the woman at the front desk the day I went out to the 1000yrd range. I was looking forward to to seeing how y'all set up and asking a shitload of questions. I am new to LR mostly due to the fact of proximity of adequate ranges and budget.

But if I can be of any help with getting a shoot together let me know.

avey13 if you could organize a shoot that would be great man.
I'll try to make it if you guys are going. Always great shooting with you all.

I don't think RockCastle has handled the interest from the long range community very well. That being said, I went to the shoot in March and it was pretty nice. The $25 extra bought you the convenience of 1) not having to deal setup and clean up of our own targets, 2) not having to correspond with RockCastle employees (sometimes this can be grating), and 3) increased participation from competitive shooters (I foresee that a lot of the Joe Harris followers will begin attending these shoots).

While these benefits are nice, I feel that RockCastle really should have taken it upon themselves to provide certain amenities to those of us who have been paying $25 per month for years. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they're moving in the direction they are, I just feel that it's a bit too late, and that the premium is a bit too high. I'll continue to go to the "Fun Shoots," as they're called, but I'm in support of having a monthly meet like we used to.

I hope RockCastle will still take groups like they did last year. Not sure how they feel about it now that they have Joe coming up.
Sounds good avey13 please keep us in the loop.

jonesy you are absolutely correct, price and scheduling is the reason I'm not signing up to be a member. It is more having to schedule before showing up is the reason that keeps me away. I guess that long range shooters make up very small portion of their members hence the reason for such policy.
Any way the fun shoots are great and I'm certainly enjoying not having to set up and tare down all those targets.
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So are the Sniper Hide shoots over for good now, I haven't seen anyone say that definitely yet?

I was running them for awhile and took a step back as I became a father. Once things settled down I was scheduling them again. Along with other people taking turns there were several more events held there.

Now, let me be clear about one thing. I really enjoy RCSC the facility. I think it has massive potential to be greatest place in the country for shooting sports. BUT, they have got to put that effort into it. For months I would drag 30-50 steel targets out there via trailer and truck. Myself and 2 others spent 6 hours setting up the targets with a range card that gave exact distances. I used my own fuel and equipment to mow that field. Im talking a 60" mower being towed by an ATV and two other guys on weed eaters! It was a lot of work but for this sport I don't mind doing the labor. I want to further this sport and make it grow. At one time they had a manager there that for lack of a better term was not very organized or people friendly. He has since been let go. The new guy they have over seeing it is easy going and great to work with.

I also do steel targets as a hobby job, just something fun for us to do in our shop. We offer almost any shape target and very basic mounts. I asked RCSC to take a look at our targets and talk with us on buying a few and just having them as range owned targets. They told me they didn't really need them at that time. I said that is fine but people are going to start getting really frustrated with mowing, setting up their own targets, and then PAYING TO BE HERE! I wish they could address this and make it so all shooters wanted to come there and shoot in the valley. Their revenue would go up for sure. The hotel staff has always been very friendly and helpful. In fact we have been there so many times we know most of them on a first name basis. I have a great time at the lodge, they have good food, a winery, and often have concerts in the warm months. And you cant beat the scenery, such a relaxing place.

I would be happy to start scheduling them again when the weather flattens out and stops with its crazy switches!
The first organized shoots that Adam and Ace put on were great fun and they really committed themselves to setting up
targets, mowing, and arranging stays at the hotel. I don't understand why RCSC could not see the upside as every shoot I went to
(5 in all) had a great turnout. This was my first exposure to true LR shooting and I am in their debt for working so hard to make it happen.
I really enjoy shooting in the "valley" and look forward to doing it again at some point. I think it is important to remember that everyone who shoots needs to help with
the set up and tear down in some way. It should not all be left to those who organize it.


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There was one shoot where the mercury topped 107. I had to nap in the comfort of the ac in my car.

Jonesy, I have been to a few of yours and you put a great effort in as well.

If there is nothing going on with the kids, I will most definitely make it down.

I shot today up at Rayners. An absolutely amazing place to shoot!
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