Hunting & Fishing Moon Charts/Activity Maps/Hocus Pocus


Full Member
Jul 26, 2011
South Carolina
Hey guys, I'm interested in finding out if any white-tail hunters here use moon phase carts or deer activity maps? I have recently been introduced to this by my step-dad, who kills the biggest bucks around here. I have been looking at a combination of using field and stream deer activity chart here Track the 2013 Whitetail Rut: Deer Hunting, Whitetail Deer, Big Deer, Deer Pictures and moon activity chart. Im heading out this afternoon based off the activity in my area and moon phase, and see if this is another magic trick or the real deal. Well truth is I was going tonight regardless but this just makes a better excuse to the misses.
I don't have the luxury of being able to hunt any day of the week during this time of the year so I don't key in on anything other than when my days off are...that's when I'm in the woods. As far as certain phenomenon's that jump start deer movement, moon phases are certainly something to keep an eye on. Mark and Terry Drury are big proponents of moon phases and there aren't many deer hunters in the country that I'd trust more than those two. One thing that I always pay attention to is if you've got a rising or falling moon in the morning or evening. As soon as I'm settled in my stand I'm looking to see if the moon is still high in the sky. That is one thing that I've certainly noticed increases deer activity. Hunt as much as you're able to, get in and out undetected, play the wind and don't overhunt you're stands are a few things I'd worry about over moon phases. Oh and you have to hunt where there are big bucks if that's what you're looking for. jmo