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More excitement from my back'yard'.


Old Salt
Full Member
  • Nov 4, 2020
    I previously shared my immense amusement since moving into the new house of listening to the Horned Owls in the woods behind me (https://www.snipershide.com/shooting/threads/im-a-big-fan-of-owls-personally.7231649/) and also sought out the collective's opinion on a toad (https://www.snipershide.com/shootin...ians-ive-got-a-question-about-a-toad.7232563/) .

    Tonight was another first since living here and the topic of discussion is...


    Yep- that's right we're talking coyotes. I've long suspected that they were in the area but tonight is the 1st night I've heard them and holy smokes- they're making up for lost time. It sounds like there must be at least a half dozen of 'em but I'm 100% certain they're coyotes. I may be using the wrong terminology but they aren't 'howling' but rather just 'yipping' and freaking the fuck out as they do, it sounds like a whole section of the mountain is covered by them. Here's a quick clip that's dang near a perfect match of what I've been hearing off and on tonight...

    I've encountered a few coyotes in the woods over the years here in PA but dang if this isn't the 1st time that the whole other side of the mountain (a couple hundred yards by my estimate) seems to be a literal Disney World for 'em.

    Not sure if anyone else has had this happen by their house but my neighbor usually leaves his dog outside and he was going absolutely nuts barking at them. The coyotes were so vocal that I went over to knock on the neighbor's door for the 1st time, not because I was angry about their dog barking (although I wasn't thrilled with that either to be honest) but to ask them if they heard the coyotes (which couldn't have been far from the dog) going nuts and that I was concerned for their dog. We went out back and the neighbor said that he honestly couldn't tell the difference between other dogs and coyotes and once he heard all of the commotion and found out what they were, he thanked me and his dog became an indoor dog (at least for tonight).

    This may be common hat to some here- but (as I said) this is new to me, at least in this quantity. What I find to be... IDK just strange about it all is how the coyotes can go absolutely nuts for several minutes and then... nothing. They just seem to go radio silent immediately. I give up waiting outside to listen to them and get back to doing something else and another 40 minutes or so later, I hear them again just going absolutely crazy and then... back to silence.

    Is this normal coyote behavior?

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    Is this normal coyote behavior?
    I'm in South Texas, what you are bdescribing happens almost every morning and evening here. It sounds like a lot of them in a group, but it's really only a couple. There may be several groups yapping back and forth, the most I have been able to single out was about 4 groups. The most coyotes I have ever seen together was 4 or 5.
    I live on a timbered hillside in Colorado. There’s a county road about a mile away. Anytime any vehicle with a siren goes by, the entire hillside goes absolutely insane with yipping coyotes. Absolutely nuts when the siren is loud and then total silence. It sounds like a ton of them but is probably only a couple. In 8 years here, including lots of leaving for work at 0330 and getting home at all hours of the night, I’ve never seen a single coyote or any sign (shit on the road, a classic coyote indicator). Same behavior goes for places I’ve lived in Oregon, both in the east and on the coast. It’s not a sound you would mistake for dogs or wolves once you know what it is.
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    Cool video! We used to hear them going crazy behind our house in IL. Always wondered what they were doing. Here in TN we don't have as much coyote action, but many more deer!

    From early this morning:
    Screenshot_20241220_082945_DS cam.jpg
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    Don't know where you are in Tennessee but we have a ton of this similar action where we are. It's a local den where they call each other and they all respond. They are territorial with distinct boundaries and one den will call and another den will challenge and this can go on for a while. I've seen at least 6 at a time when hunting them. It's like a jail break.
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    I'm sure there around, but there's a lot more land here. I've seen a few lone coyotes walking along the tree line about 500 yds from our house. Too far out to see them with IR cameras, possibly thermals too. Heard them yipping a few times, just not as often as in IL.

    There was a perfect bit of land for them behind our place up there.

    News flash...dit...dit.dit.....this just in....coyotes are EVERYWHERE. Yes even in urban environments. Yes in developed areas.
    The local community Facebook page is 99% coastal Democrats that fled Democrat policies constantly reporting coyote sightings. I pissed off a bunch of them when I replied to one of the coyote warnings with “I wonder if the coyotes post about all of the invasive humans on their Facebook pages?” I hurt a few feelings
    News flash...dit...dit.dit.....this just in....coyotes are EVERYWHERE. Yes even in urban environments. Yes in developed areas.
    I’ve seen a few in the north ‘burbs of the Denver area. Drove by one sitting on the sidewalk watching traffic
    I’m n the middle of a city. I’ve seen them cruising down a 4 lane road at 3am before. I’m assuming they use the washes to come hunt cats and critters at night from the hills.
    The neighborhood I live in was basically stuck into a patch of woods. The deer have a road that runs through my backyard and across the neighborhood. I have some pictures of them snacking on the greenery while I'm drinking coffee in the family room. I'm told we have a gang of turkeys that come through also, but haven't seem them myself yet.

    I fell asleep on the couch one night and was woken up by the sound of 'yotes yipping and howling at like 4am. It was pretty cool, though I haven't heard it again. Also haven't seen any in person around here yet.

    Last place I lived, which was actually more built up, I accidentally ran up on some 'yotes at night while walking my dog. All the sudden they came out from behind bushes, signs and shadows. It was probably 6 or 8 of them. Went back the way I came.

    My friend's dad's place backs up to a 40 acre corn field but is otherwise in a well developed suburb. He has miniature pinchers, one of them was out doing his business one night when he started screaming. A coyote had come out of the field and grabbed him up. Friend's dad was in the kitchen, ran through the screen door and chased the 'yote into the corn field. Ol Wiley dropped the dog and managed a getaway. Dog needed stitches but was otherwise fine.
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