Advanced Marksmanship Most accurate factory 308 load for Long Range


Full Member
Jul 26, 2019
Im new to Long Range shooting. Currently have my rig zero’d with Hornady 168 Gr ELD Match. But have found the Federal 168 Gr Gold Medal Sierra Match king which is tad cheaper. Don’t have the means to reload at the moment. Any advice or recommendations? Thanks!!
No way to tell unless you shoot both.

Be advised, the 30 caliber 168 grain Sierra Match King is not a bullet known for excellent ballistics beyond 800 yards or so. Despite the same weight, the 168 grain Hornady ELD-M is a much more aerodynamic bullet much better suited for long range work.
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Prime 308 175's worked pretty well for my LMT.

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each rifle can have a different "favorite" load/pill.
that's why reloaders can't just use existing recipes from others and know for sure their rifle can't do better.

what twist? if 1:12, stick to 168-175gr max. if you have lots of cash, you can try heavier.
if 1:11 or faster, heavier bullets will achieve good spin rates and might increase your effective range.
" Typically bullets that are shorter and have shallow boat-tail angles will track better through the transonic range. On the contrary, bullets that are longer… can experience a greater range of pitching and yawing in the transonic range that will depress their ballistic coefficients at that speed "

So a shorter bullet is lighter for it's caliber NOT heavier for it's caliber .
If you find that your rifle likes 175 SMK, sometimes the 175gr SMK FGMM goes on sale at almost same prices as FGMM 168. I started with 175 FGMM, saved the brass and reloaded those when I got all my reloading components set up. Best of luck on your long range journey.
You be for to see what your rifle likes but I've had very good success to 1125 yards with 185 Berger juggernauts and 185 Lapua scenars. Hornady 178 eldm shoot good also but have not been as consistent for me at 1125