Most affordable AR500?


Dec 25, 2018
I’m looking to set up my range, and need a handful of steel. I’ll have to break it all down at the end of every session, so I don’t want too many, but even so, I’d rather not over pay for what I’m getting. I won’t be shooting anything bigger than 308 at it. Where do you guys buy steel from? Do we have a sponsor that sells it?


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Find a local fabrication shop have have them make it. 3/8" ar400 will be just fine. If the targets will be pounded or your using heavy mags 338lm + do 1/2"

Are local high power silhouette range uses 3/8" ar400 and take alot of hits. They are at least 10 years old. The chickens are at 200m and are 1/2". 338 will put a slight bow to them. But a 300wm won't even bend the head of it.

Ar400 is more weldable the ar500. You can weld bases, hangers and repair cracks. Ar 500 is tough sure. But ar400 is alot cheaper and will work just as good.
HardOx sounds right up my alley on price. I have a couple guys that if I leave them hanging up may intentionally try to punch holes in them just to be a pain in my ass, so cheaper is better.
Most places will have unfinished targets, holes drilled for mounting but not painted, for a decent price. Fire hose is a durable and relatively cheaper hanging solution.