Mother mistakenly put her baby girl in an oven and killed her!


Killing one steel plate at a time!
Full Member
  • May 27, 2014
    32.75259713494653, -79.87485679548313

    This fucking no good piece of shit cunt should be charged with first degree murder, but she is only charged with "endangering the welfare of a child"

    What fucking kind of clown world do we live in? The fact that the article was even worded "mistakenly" makes my fucking blood boil.

    You mistakenly put soap in the bleach compartment in your washing machine, you mistakenly put cat food in the dog food bowl, but there is no such thing as mistakenly putting your baby in the fucking oven and turning it on! What in the fuck is wrong with people?

    This fucking no good piece of shit cunt should be charged with first degree murder, but she is only charged with "endangering the welfare of a child"

    What fucking kind of clown world do we live in? The fact that the article was even worded "mistakenly" makes my fucking blood boil.

    You mistakenly put soap in the bleach compartment in your washing machine, you mistakenly put cat food in the dog food bowl, but there is no such thing as mistakenly putting your baby in the fucking oven and turning it on! What in the fuck is wrong with people?
    Yeah I’m getting tired of this argument. I didn’t read the article. But she knew damn well what she was doing, just like Hillary knew what she was doing when she destroyed evidence. It’s like someone saying, “I didn’t know it would kill him when i shot him!” Come on. This country is so screwed.

    Looks like a good mom.
    This is a non event. I sent my wife to get a case of beer from the liquor store. She had our baby in the back seat and didnt remember that when she threw the case of beer in there.

    It didnt kill the baby.

    It was light beer!
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    This is a non event. I sent my wife to get a case of beer from the liquor store. She had our baby in the back seat and didnt remember that when she threw the case of beer in there.

    It didnt kill the baby.

    It was light beer!
    What about people that throw the baby out with the bath water?
    the tragedy is that people that are the least equipped to properly care for a child are having the most babies.
    Humans have been equipped for the task since the dawn of, well, humanity.

    But pack them into urban crapholes, treat them as vote slaves. Take away any 'work' (including home-making) that keeps them feeling productive... eliminate the other half of 'Parents' and add in recreational pharmaceuticals coming in across open borders by the metric ton...

    And this is what you get.

    Exactly as it's being planned by those who want to wipe out 90 percent of the population. And need the ignorant voters to vote for them so they can do it.

    Humans have been equipped for the task since the dawn of, well, humanity.

    But pack them into urban crapholes, treat them as vote slaves. Take away any 'work' (including home-making) that keeps them feeling productive... eliminate the other half of 'Parents' and add in recreational pharmaceuticals coming in across open borders by the metric ton...

    And this is what you get.

    Exactly as it's being planned by those who want to wipe out 90 percent of the population. And need the ignorant voters to vote for them so they can do it.

    Any 'work' they did prior to being sold into slavery by their tribal chiefs was carrying water on their heads from the villiage waterhole, grubbing out a meager garden and goat herding. And fucking. A lot of adultry and wife stealing went on and still goes on over there, along with apathy to flies crawling across their faces.

    Only difference now is they have a government tit to hang on in the U.S. while their progeny hangs on theirs and gets free 1st World healthcare and wellfare.
    Humans have been equipped for the task since the dawn of, well, humanity.

    But pack them into urban crapholes, treat them as vote slaves. Take away any 'work' (including home-making) that keeps them feeling productive... eliminate the other half of 'Parents' and add in recreational pharmaceuticals coming in across open borders by the metric ton...

    And this is what you get.

    Exactly as it's being planned by those who want to wipe out 90 percent of the population. And need the ignorant voters to vote for them so they can do it.

    You sound rather jaded there Sirhr. Comes with having a brain and experience.
    “I thought I put (redacted) in her crib and I accidentally put her in the oven,”
    I totally see how one can mistake a fucking crib which is usually in a bedroom for a fucking oven which is usually in the kitchen (I hope) Let me guess when she turned the oven on, she thought she was turning on the baby monitor.....GTFOH with that shit!

    If this bitch was white, she would already be charged with first degree murder.
    I call BS on the whole idea of a mistake on this action. Fry her ass, she can decide afterwords how much of a mistake it was.
    Sounds like an incident going around APD from the Sex Crime Unit where a Hispanic man was giving his young daughter a bath "when he slipped and his tongue may have accidently entered her vagina."
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    Here in the south bleach is not required nor is a clean up. They do not discriminate based upon color, gender, political affiliation or job title. Can you guess which one of the two (depending count) can disappear a newborn calf faster than the movie, Gone in 60 seconds

    Here in the south bleach is not required nor is a clean up. They do not discriminate based upon color, gender, political affiliation or job title. Can you guess which one of the two (depending count) can disappear a newborn calf faster than the movie, Gone in 60 seconds

    View attachment 8347226View attachment 8347227
    They're cannilbalistic too. You can shoot a 60lb. hog and leave it laying and there won't be a trace left of it the next day. They won't mess with the big boars, only buzzards will touch those.

    This fucking no good piece of shit cunt should be charged with first degree murder, but she is only charged with "endangering the welfare of a child"

    What fucking kind of clown world do we live in? The fact that the article was even worded "mistakenly" makes my fucking blood boil.

    You mistakenly put soap in the bleach compartment in your washing machine, you mistakenly put cat food in the dog food bowl, but there is no such thing as mistakenly putting your baby in the fucking oven and turning it on! What in the fuck is wrong with people?
    The prosecutor in Kansas City is famous for being absolutely shitty at her job. She makes Joe Biden look effective at his job.

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