Maybe someone can break this down barney style for me. When you use a switchlug on something like an Origin that has prefits available, you now have to go back to having a smith cut barrels for you, right? Or do some places have the option to make switchlug compatible prefits? In a perfect world, the Terminus Zeus would have swappable bolt heads and the quick change feature but that doesn't exist.
The switchlug adds a feature to the tenon cut on the barrel. It is the cylindrical portion where the switchlug clamps onto the barrel.
In short, you can order prefits from WTO directly that have the action/switchlug tenon precut. You would have to ask the usual suspects for prefit options as to whether or not they can/will add the switchlug feature to a prefit.
I will be adding the feature to 3 existing barrels with my local smith, and have another blank in the queue now. Once my smith has my tenon profile in his system, I only take the action in, when picking it up. He does a test fit and fire, and I like that I can check it with him before paying for the work. Never had an issue, but he will make it right if there ever is.
This system is not for everyone. The benefit is in having the ability to field-swap barrels with a T25 drive, without a barrel vise. Like I said earlier, I have 100% committed to moto-life so transporting my rigs has necessitated this requirement.
Aside from this need, 5 min with a $75 Viper vise, a $7 bicycle inner tube (barrel-vise grip enhancer) and a $100 action wrench gets the job done with ease, and allows for a call to your favorite prefit dealer for a new long range drill bit stabilizer tube. I swap barrels often (.308, 25x47L, .223, .257 QPC, & .300WSM) and between 2 actions (matched by my smith). Most people will not actually realize a QC feature, they just don’t use it.