
Muppet Extraordinaire
Full Member
  • Oct 23, 2017
    In a van, down by the river.
    Leftist person of color (colored folk) running for office creates a fake Facebook account, posts racist shit about himself, gets caught 🤣🤣

    Shortly after Patel shared a lengthy Meta (Facebook) post in September portraying himself and his family as victims of a racial slander campaign carried out by his opponent’s Republican supporters, the Fort Bend District Attorney’s Office launched an investigation.

    A collage of over a dozen racist comments and messages that he claimed he had received during his campaign, labeling him derogatory, racist terms like “monkey” and “subhuman,” while disparaging his Hindu religious beliefs, was attached below the post as well.

    What a fag...
    If he wanted some posted racist comments, all he had to do was ask me nicely.

    *I'm going to remove a few of my more choice comments as I got worked up over the flase victimization bullshit. It's quoted below, so it's here to stay...but no need for me to actually give them something to cry about.

    *Just had to take a moment to make sure that we were in the 'Pit.
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    • Haha
    Reactions: Blue Sky Country
    If he wanted some posted racist comments, all he had to do was ask me nicely.

    Those frigging goat-fuckers with their unibrows and multiple neck beards never ask nicely. They're always too damn busy trying to get bobs and vagene pics over the internet.

    *Just had to take a moment to make sure that we were in the 'Pit.
    Sounds like he would do just fine in the pit
    • Haha
    Reactions: diggler1833
    I got a Jury Duty questionnaire, I filled out all the boxes and the last question, so they do not discriminate against the accused, asked for my Race, I put other and answered American. Then I went off on them, so I am now on the list, most of us who have been here for 400 years have Native American blood 5 and 6 generation back, so I chewed them a new orifice. What a fucking Racist, Identity Politics question to put on a Jury questionnaire and what does it have to do with fairly determining guilt or innocence, this Marxist Race Baiting has to stop.