Muzzle Brake Gas Dispersion and LabRadar


LTC (ret)
Full Member
  • Jul 7, 2013
    Punta Gorda, FL
    Not exactly an answer to what you asked but hopefully helps. I set my lab radar about 8 -12 inches left Of my stock /chassis somewhere about even with the bipod. This seems to work very well. It picks up all my shots.

    If I get too close to my brake up toward the front of the barrel, gas hits the lab radar and it reboots (which is probably not good but it still works fine after rebooting)

    I use an APA little bastard one or rifle and MPA brake on the other. they both really send gas back.
    I set up about like ARobinson and get very reliable operation with a range of bolt action and semi-auto rifles from .223 to 338LM. When my LR was new, I was a bit timid with it and I used to put a stack of landscape bricks between the brake and the LR. That worked too but was unnecessary.
    My RPR brake shoots gas 90 degrees l/r and also approximately 45 l/r to the rear. I've positioned my LR in places suggested above and had mixed results. I now position my LR app 6" to the left of the muzzle and a couple inches ahead of the muzzle. There is a facebook group 'LabRadar Shooters Group' , something like that. I've encouraged members there to post photos of how they set up their rifles/LRs so the consistantly and successfully record each shot.

    I shot 7 series last time to the range and it recorded each shot of each series, including my foulers/cold bore shots ( I usually have to bring some extra foulers to get my rifle and LR married up and working properly). Much discussion on this topic in the FB group mentioned. Lots of different rifles and combinations of setups there. I have both the baseplate mount and the tripod and use the tripod. lg
    We had the internal board mounts break, large muzzle blast and cold temps. Factory called it our fault, billed like 70 plus shipping. I now fabricated a baffle for guard each.
    When you are using a break you can place the Labradar lined up with the middle of your scope. I place mine there and have no issues with it reading each shot. The only time that I have to have it really close to the end of the barrel is suppressed or a gun with no muzzle break