Well aside from small imperfections in the chronographs results, you typically want to true by using the real MV and then changing the BC. In the real world things degrade, including any of the tooling used to make the bullets. So the BC listed on the box isn't going to be perfect. We can't measure BC but we can measure MV so you want to true the BC not your MV unless you have no way to getting access to a chronograph. Also note that there will be small error in your scope tracking, this is very difficult to measure because you need exact measured distance to the target and you need the target to be squared up to you, you can't be shooting at an angle or if you are then you need to take that into account when doing the math etc.
Also note that getting rid of a carbon ring is not easy, you can search it up on the hide. Chances are the things people suggest to get rid of one is not something you did with normal cleaning.