Sidearms & Scatterguns My SBS Project


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  • May 11, 2017
    Hallsville, Tx
    I have always had a soft spot for old school 870 Wingmasters, and always wanted an SBS to keep in the house. So, for my 40th birthday I decided to treat myself.

    I started with a nice donor of the 70’s vintage. The Form 1 got approved beautifully in 30ish days:

    Then sent the barrel in to Steve at Rose Action Sports. For a very reasonable price and turn around time, they chopped the barrel to 12.5”, threaded for Remchoke, and cut dovetails in the vent rib for a set of XS iron sights.

    Next step was NFA engraving and Cerakoting in flat black:

    Finally, got it all assembled with some Magpul furniture. I’m pretty damned happy with the way it turned out. It is light and handy. And not too bad to shoot!


    Final step was some informal testing of the two types of 00 buck I happened to have at the house. The longest possible self defense distance inside my home is 15 yards. I had some cheap Rio 9-pellet low recoil, and some 8-pellet Hornady Critical Defense (which has Flitecontrol wad):

    Moral of the story…. Pattern your shotguns. Not all 00 buck is created equal. I would be sorely disappointed in ability to neutralize threats inside my home, at certain distances, with certain ammo. Not to mention the lack of ability to maintain accountability for every pellet, which is just as important. I am glad I tested it.
    Those pics show why I LOVE the FliteControl wads. My shotguns stay loaded with Federal LE #1 buck (Buffered, plated, low recoil, and FliteControl) and from my 20" Mossberg it's a golf ball sized hole out to 15 yards, and dinner plates at 25 yards. If my new SBS patterns with the Federal ammo like yours does with Hornady when I get it out to the range to test, I will be quite happy.
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