One sentence can in fact be a paragraph. Now you know. This argument of yours is borderline retarded.There should be a basic competency test before you’re allowed to post here. It’s not a personal attack, but just something that would eliminate 90% of the ill-conceived arguments that are allowed to manifest and waste people’s time.
All this effort should have been spent on remembering those who served in the SEA conflict, but here I am having to point out that a sentence isn’t a paragraph. Please take a refresher in English writing. Then take a formal course in the intellectual standards of critical thinking. There are actual standards. My statements are in harmony with them.

I’m not the one that needs a course in critical thinking. There is a man posting in this thread that thinks the military fights to preserve people’s freedoms while living in a country that forced half of them in every major conflict to fight against there will under gov’t threats of violence. Doesn’t sound like freedom to me. The same free country that has fake as fuck elections, millions pouring over the southern border, prisons holding political prisoners, police shutting down businesses while the gov’t murdered people and called it covid, people’s savings being wiped clean by thieving politicians using a number of cons, skyrocketing cost of living, three letter terrorists threatening parents of abused children that speak out at school board meetings and home visits to those that dare to speak out against the current administration. All this and more and somehow I’m the one who can’t think. Give me a break. On top of this you chime in with some absurd sentence/paragraph deflection tactic thinking you are intellectually superior and above having to make an argument. Weird.