This could all have been avouded if Obama had not been weak allowed the annexation of Crimea and then Biden being even weaker
That was intentional. Obama was literally conceived and pampered by the Marxists within the US and Indonesia. His mom worked for USAID, and his first job after graduating Columbia was with a CIA front company called Business International Corp.
Even as a Senator, Obama went to Ukraine to disarm the actual Ukrainians of their artillery munitions, to soften them up for future Russian action.
Trump put a major delay on Putin’s plans to take Ukraine, by promoting low US energy prices, which in-turn dropped global energy prices and ruined Russia’s economic growth potential and funding of the SMO.
Trump also authorized the sale of $150 million Javelins to Ukraine on March 1, 2018, right after he had US forces in Syria annihilate a Russian Wagner-led armored battle group that attacked a small contingent of SOF personnel at the Conoco plant near Khasham, well across their red line of demarkation that had been agreed to.
Trump later authorized an ever larger sale of Javelins to Ukraine, along with a $600 million weapons package after that. You can view all of this on the US DSCA website, which publishes US Foreign Military Sales packages.
Elements within the CIA/USAID, FBI, and intelligence sector who are multigenerational betrayers to the US, helped Biden steal the 2020 election, so China and Russia could make their moves. Biden, who the Soviets helped get elected into the Senate in 1972, was one of their long-time stooges who would do whatever they asked, as all they needed to do was threaten him with expositing his pedophilia crimes. He had already suborned treason to his brother James and son Hunter, using them as intermediaries for laundering Putin’s bribe payments.
Remember how Russian oligarch Elena Baturina wired $3.5 million to Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca in Feb 2014? Now look at what date the pardon goes back to......Jan 2014.