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Need advice 4 first precision rifle


God didn’t stop the bullets… You missed
Mar 11, 2020
I'm finishing an AR-10 build and am looking for what's next. Been shooting factory ( 1 MOA ) bolt guns for a few years, handloading and general tinkering. I've hit 12" gong at a mile with said guns but I want precision. This rifle will be strictly for bench shooting, possibly to start competing. I was thinking to buy a barreled action and finish the build myself. First thought was a Dixie Precision in 6.5CM. I want at least 1/2 MOA. Then I saw Erik Cortina on Youtube. I'm willing to spend some coin, but as this is my first true precision gun, I want my money to get me what I want. Is it to much to expect .2 MOA with proper load development. Also curious about West Texas Ordinance Switchlug and Straightjacket Armory barrels. Would be nice to have one nice rifle and be able to change barrels myself.

Any advice would be appreciated. Ask me for more info if need be. Thanks in advance for your help.
What is your budget, Clayton at WTO builds hammers. In the 2500 range you can get one of the GA precision builds. If you budget is in the 3500 to 4500 range there are quite a few options like WTO, LRI and so on. You can also order a Tac Ops and hit the easy button, getting .2 MOA is going to be more about you as the shooter and your reloading skills than anything.
Just scheduled my vacation to finish the AR10 build in three weeks. Still researching for the precision rifle. I'm looking at an ARC Nucleus long action with Straightjacket 30' barrel in 7 SAUM on MDT chassis. Now i need to learn all about something new... Reamers. I would like the chamber cut so I can seat heavy ELD bullets to the lands and in the cartridge where the boat tail/bearing surface junction is at or near the neck/shoulder junction of the case. I have no idea about how to go about doing anything like this. Where do you get custom reamers and how do you know what dimensions they need to be?
Just scheduled my vacation to finish the AR10 build in three weeks. Still researching for the precision rifle. I'm looking at an ARC Nucleus long action with Straightjacket 30' barrel in 7 SAUM on MDT chassis. Now i need to learn all about something new... Reamers. I would like the chamber cut so I can seat heavy ELD bullets to the lands and in the cartridge where the boat tail/bearing surface junction is at or near the neck/shoulder junction of the case. I have no idea about how to go about doing anything like this. Where do you get custom reamers and how do you know what dimensions they need to be?

Berger Bullets has some good information on what you are looking for, VLD – Making it Shoot and Cartridge Base To Ogive. Hornady sells the tools to make the ogive measurements. There are also a lot of videos on how and why to do this, just search for Ogive Measurements. Some of the barrel manufactures have videos on why there are freebore options on some of the barrels they offer, like Preferred Barrel Blanks.

Once you understand the spacing needed for the bullets jump, you can figure out what chamber reamer and freebore you will need given what your magazine length will allow. Too long and you will be loading one at a time.
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.2 from any rifle is 95% user abilities. The way these good smiths are building rifles most are capable of .2-.4 range as long as you as the user can control your loads to be consistent and as the shooter to pull these kinds of shots.

I have atleast 3 rifles capable of .2 accuracy but that’s not say I am most days in either the reloading room or behind the rifle. I am honing my skills in the reloading room, and with 10x the trigger time I use to have since picking up a vudoo v22 my fundamentals are getting better allowing for better and more consistent shooting.
You say it will be primarily for bench shooting and you would like to have the option of competing if you want. Exactly what type of competing are you talking about? You say you are looking at 7 SAUM in a 30 inch barrel on an MDT chassis? That is no PRS rig. Not a benchrest rig either. Nor King of 2 miles.
You say it will be primarily for bench shooting and you would like to have the option of competing if you want. Exactly what type of competing are you talking about? You say you are looking at 7 SAUM in a 30 inch barrel on an MDT chassis? That is no PRS rig. Not a benchrest rig either. Nor King of 2 miles.
I can switch barrels for competing. Not sure what type of competition as I don't know much about what is available in my area. just would like to leave the door open for the future. I mostly go on open range days with some friends. I've hit the mile with my win mag but was wanting the saum for 1.4 miles, and just for fun. Also to hone my long range skills. Problem now is I'm not going to build a rifle that I can't feed. I have a keg and a half of powder and plenty of primers. I can find bullets, but brass is impossible to find.
You should see what comps are in your area and what comps you're willing to drive to. You may find there's stuff you're into and stuff you're not. Then there's bucket list type events that you may want to try out, look at the event announcement section in the hide. There's a new(ish) hunter prs that looks really fun, but typical 20lb rigs aren't allowed.
There's a metric shit ton of cool actions (I just got my Big Horn Origin) for not much money that take shouldered barrels.
Sounds like your AR10 would be a cool gas gun for a PRS or NRL gas gun class.
Every event you shoot you'll learn what works for you more than asking here.
@moosemeat has a point. What more do you need if your hitting 12” gong at a mile. If my plan was for a build to be dedicated for 1-1.5 miles I’d probably be leaning hard on a 300 Norma or 300 Norma improved as well. Very accurate cartridges, pushing the heavies At great speeds
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Thanks everyone for your advice. I will defanitaly be checking out JGS Precision for reamers Mr. F. 300 Norma would be a great rifle to have, but with the Lapua bolt face, it's limiting the versatility of the rifle. Still thinking I'll go ARC Nucleus. Finding 7 saum brass is tough right now so I might have my first barrel chambered in something else. Not sure what yet. Maybe something with less recoil for just fun shooting. 6 or 6.5 Creed maybe. I have until fall to decide.
Thanks everyone for your advice. I will defanitaly be checking out JGS Precision for reamers Mr. F. 300 Norma would be a great rifle to have, but with the Lapua bolt face, it's limiting the versatility of the rifle. Still thinking I'll go ARC Nucleus. Finding 7 saum brass is tough right now so I might have my first barrel chambered in something else. Not sure what yet. Maybe something with less recoil for just fun shooting. 6 or 6.5 Creed maybe. I have until fall to decide.
Archimedes and Mausingfield can go Norma/Lapua

Sherman Cartridges have brass available and out perform SAUM cases

Really need to decide on short versus long action and go from there
Archimedes and Mausingfield can go Norma/Lapua

Sherman Cartridges have brass available and out perform SAUM cases

Really need to decide on short versus long action and go from there
According to ARC's website only the Mausingfield action will go Norma/Lapua. I am limited to 50 pieces of Sherman brass with the purchase of a reamer. I thought that I was settled on a long action because it gives me more options. Short action cartridges can be chambered in long actions. Several manufactures have done this for years. But your comment caused me to think, maybe I should go short. Most short action 6 and 6.5 cartridges will be fine and the 7 saum could be single fed. The next question is with controlled round feed... Is the extractor "spring loaded" so to speak. Can I single feed/push feed rounds in a control round feed action? Will the extractor grab the cartridge upon closing the bolt or will it not allow me to close the bolt? I usually single feed the longest shots anyway. For example, my cheep win mag has a huge freebore. I have to seat the bullets so far out that to clear the chamber of an unfired cartridge, I have to use the bolt release. This doesn't bother me as it rarely happens and I am never in a hurry when it does. If I can single feed/push feed then I can build this rifle in a short action, run it for now, then buy another barrel later chambered in a short action magnum cartridge when component shortages have eased. Just a thought.
New problem. Finally got my week off and finished the Duracoat on the AR-10. Looks AMAZING!!! Went digging out the internals to put it back together and... Problem. Filthy. Huge amounts of build up on the bolt and BCG. Regular solvent wouldn't touch it. What do I use? Acetone? Brake cleaner? Build up is bad. It's a V-Seven titanium BCG but the bolt is steel. Any help on how to clean build-up that has been caked on for around a year?