Hey everyone, I want to get into building my first AR, and I'm a California resident (Please, no comments on how terrible a state CA is for gun owners, trust me, I know).
Now I know I'm going to need a bullet button and an OLL, but that's about as far as I am in buying parts now, as I am very indecisive as to where to go from here, even though I've done a lot of research and have been looking through these forums for a while trying to get an idea where to go after buying a bullet button. For the OLL, i want to build something in .308, and i can find an OLL that specifically states that it can accept .308 magazines, can someone tell me whether regular OLL's will do the job, or point me to one that can accept .308 magazines such as G3 or dpms mags?
pretty much, I'm looking for input as to what parts to buy since I'm new to this, though i have a lot of experience building bolt actions (mostly work with savage rifles). I would love to keep it under $1000, though my budget is $1500, any input would be greatly appreciated.
Now I know I'm going to need a bullet button and an OLL, but that's about as far as I am in buying parts now, as I am very indecisive as to where to go from here, even though I've done a lot of research and have been looking through these forums for a while trying to get an idea where to go after buying a bullet button. For the OLL, i want to build something in .308, and i can find an OLL that specifically states that it can accept .308 magazines, can someone tell me whether regular OLL's will do the job, or point me to one that can accept .308 magazines such as G3 or dpms mags?
pretty much, I'm looking for input as to what parts to buy since I'm new to this, though i have a lot of experience building bolt actions (mostly work with savage rifles). I would love to keep it under $1000, though my budget is $1500, any input would be greatly appreciated.