Re: Need load help for Savage ML10 not ML2
I'm shooting 42gr of vv-n110 with a 250gr Hornady. I messed with mine a lot 2yrs ago and could never get it to shoot that great (2 moa at best). Our muzzleloader season is only 2 weeks (actually opened today) so I don't hunt with it more than 5-6 days a year. I got so frustrated with it that I settled on that powder charge/sabot/bullet combo and limit my shots to less than 200yds. When I shot it over the chronograph, it was running about 2300fps so I may be running those bullets too hard.
When i shot it last weekend to check everything out, it printed about a 2.5" group @ 100yds Even with all the frustration, I still don't ever see myself going back to a non smokeless muzzleloader. The benefits are just too great, in my opinion. Maybe one day I will work on some different bullets/sabots/powders again but for now it will get the job done if I stay inside of 200yds.