Exclusive: 'Nefarious' Aims to be an Adult 'Screwtape Letters'
Filmmaking duo Chuck Konzelman and Cary Solomon have set their creative sights on the horror genre with the new movie "Nefarious."

I never write reviews but I enjoyed this movie it was unique in its style and production. Storyline - a convicted murderer is set to be executed and a court-ordered psychiatrist is sent to exam him. The murderer is demon possessed and a dialogue ensues between the two over a variety of topics including God, who he refers to as “The Enemy” and Jesus as “That Carpenter” along with demonic influences all throughout history up to current times.
There’s no CGI, explosions, creatures running up the walls, or super heroes just a demon possessed man trying to convince an atheist shrink that God is real, satan is real, demons do exist, and all the problems at hand today are a direct result of Satans influence.
It’s mostly all dialogue back and forth between the two debating theology, current societal events (wokeness), and a fallen world which I found to be very entertaining.
Lots of biblical references that tied the plot together which was cool because you never see that in movies today. The shrink asks the demon possessed killer “who are you?” and he replies “My name is legion: for we are many” referencing Mark 5:9 and many others throughout the movie.
Great production value for a small budget movie. I’ll watch it again when it hits streaming. The very end was a little weak compared to the overall film but in my opinion did not negate the bulk of the movie as I thought it was a great flick. The dialogue is in depth at times so you have to keep up.
From the article:
“The world is definitely ensconced in evil,” Solomon told Breitbart News. “Doing this movie, we wanted to reveal that. There is evil, there is good, there is the devil, and there is God.”
“What we perceive as a cultural battle is actually a spiritual battle, and the film is actually about pulling the veil away from that fact,” Konzelman added.