Net energy gain by fusion


"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"
Full Member
  • Jul 27, 2007
    Entropy is the ultimate "big guy" and often takes more than 10%. The article says that researchers haven't developed a way to harness the energy from the fusion- so those losses haven't been accounted for yet. The system unable to power itself. This is an example of how accounting can be made to lie, truthfully.
    This is awesome 👍 Now it's only a matter of time until a cockroach scuttles into the fusion chamber unnoticed, the switch is thrown, a flash of light and massive mushroom cloud, and a 3,000 foot tall giant mutant insect emerges and begins it's harrowing rampage from the Bay Area to L.A.
    Which, in the long run, with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (La and SF), would result in a net energy gain. Then we could nuke the bug and serve it to the remaining libtards.
    Finally, we have something to look forward to



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    Entropy is the ultimate "big guy" and often takes more than 10%. The article says that researchers haven't developed a way to harness the energy from the fusion- so those losses haven't been accounted for yet. The system unable to power itself. This is an example of how accounting can be made to lie, truthfully.
    I appreciate skepticism as much as the next person, but (true) science has a way finding answers, Two hundred years ago the talking about having breakfast in NYC then lunch (or with the time difference maybe a second breakfast) in London would have gotten you locked up.
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    At the press conference one reporter asked what the input energy was "from the wall." I don't remember the exact words, but it was on the order of 150 times the output energy of the fusion event. The reported energy gain (the big headline) was calculated with the energy of the laser beam as the input energy, not what it took to energize the laser beam.

    Full disclaimer: I was listening while making breakfast and never verified that I heard correctly.
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    More diversion right before the new year. Something else is afoot and will show itself soon.

    Maybe because DOE's cross-dressing klepto just got shitcanned for pinching designer luggage. They needed a "win" so, "Presto!" Cold Fusion!

    (of course it will take decades until after the current lot of grifters has transitioned from life on terra firma)

    "We'll need trillions more for Fusionlyndra to commercialize this technology to avert a climate crisis!!! "


    (Which is sad, because we used to look at technology as being above politics)
    That was Pons and Fleischman can. 1989, testifying in Washington about their cold fusion discovery.


    Does this mean LLNL is full of it? Not necessarily, although I've lost confidence in our national scientific institutions *cough* CDC *cough* to serve the technological truth rather than producing solutions on demand for political purposes.

    Do I hope Livermore succeeds? Absolutely. Do I believe a word of anything coming out of officials these days? Not without a huge grain of salt.
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    ^ That has been my thoughts throughout all these recent fusion headlines. Let’s say they do get it working and we then have all of this free or unlimited energy. Then what? How are the overloads going to maintain their control?
    Because the government will pay to develop it, then contract development, and it becomes Exxon Fusion and Joe Citizen gets reamed again.

    All the while the Chicoms are stealing it and beating us to the punch.
    All the while the Chicoms are stealing it and beating us to the punch.
    China has the ability to generate enough tritium in a year to drive the smallest proposed commercial fusion reactor for a couple of weeks or less. That reactor could power a small town at best. No matter what tech they steal, they will never be able to run them.

    This applies globally, the world's current stockpile (around 20kg) that took years to accumulate could power that same reactor for less than two months, and the US certainly isn't going to release their reserves.

    .. and there can be no breakthru that removes dependency on tritium, no other element (isotope) is suitable. Deuterium (the other half of the reaction) can be harvested from the ocean in abundance but H-3 is required.
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    Another perpetual motion scam?
    Come on Spicoli.
    It's another boondoggle for funding. Billions of tax dollars and this is what they have to show for it. But the politicians will have a reason to sign up the taxpayers for more research because eventually they might figure it out. Now let's do global cooling. I mean global warming. Wait wait, I mean climate change.
    Another perpetual motion scam?
    Come on Spicoli.
    It's another boondoggle for funding. Billions of tax dollars and this is what they have to show for it. But the politicians will have a reason to sign up the taxpayers for more research because eventually they might figure it out. Now let's do global cooling. I mean global warming. Wait wait, I mean climate change.
    Ill eat crow on the perpetual motion one.

    But whether its fusion or hydrogen or whatever, some bright young mind is going to come up with a better way. It's just a matter of time. When I was a kik the internet hadnt even been thought of. I dont know your age but imagine even 50 years ago, only Dick Tracey had a device that he could communicate with. Now our phones are more sophisticated than the computers that took us to the moon.

    And 'Spicoli'? Im hurt beyond repair, Norton Nork. ;)
    The publics perception on nuclear energy is mostly negative. Folks look to the accidents and disasters around the world as a cautionary tale rather than a learning experience. Seemed to me that they were trying to market fusion as something completely new and different from the nuclear energy of days past. Perhaps it is, I don't know exactly what they're doing to get it going, and then from there they need to figure out how to transform that energy into electrical energy. Either way, I have no doubts that a way will be discovered, and from there they will sell it to the public somehow or another, and billions, if not trillions of tax dollars will be used to build plants, further R&D, and overall line the pockets of the businesses friendly to the administration at the time.

    With all the folks that think that fossil fuels should go away, some form of nuclear is the only really viable option for energy production. Wind and solar are great for augmenting a stable energy production means, but definitely not viable for being the sole source of power production for the nation. The problem is the NIMBY folks, and more so, environmental groups.

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    I wouldn’t count this out yet.

    The announcement for this small scale test simply said they harvested more energy than the 192 lasers required to compress the water droplet. That’s a big milestone:
    A net gain in energy, realized from the conversion of mass to energy. Next steps are validation and scaling.
    Extracting heat out of the process is pretty simple.
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    I appreciate skepticism as much as the next person, but (true) science has a way finding answers, Two hundred years ago the talking about having breakfast in NYC then lunch (or with the time difference maybe a second breakfast) in London would have gotten you locked up.

    Just a note, London is 5 hours ahead of New York.
    Flight time to London from NYC is about 7 hours
    (20 years ago you could pay for a 3 hour flight if you were really rich)
    I appreciate skepticism as much as the next person, but (true) science has a way finding answers, Two hundred years ago the talking about having breakfast in NYC then lunch (or with the time difference maybe a second breakfast) in London would have gotten you locked up.
    And now they want you to believe a dude can have a baby.....
    • Haha
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    At the press conference one reporter asked what the input energy was "from the wall." I don't remember the exact words, but it was on the order of 150 times the output energy of the fusion event. The reported energy gain (the big headline) was calculated with the energy of the laser beam as the input energy, not what it took to energize the laser beam.

    Full disclaimer: I was listening while making breakfast and never verified that I heard correctly.
    That is like california claiming it went carbon neutral with its grid......for like the millionth of a milli-second when they flipped the switch from fossil fuel to green and back as fast as they could.
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    So they come up with a way to make this work. How long before the activist pervert something about it and it's like every other energy source? Coal, nuclear, natural gas and every other source has gotten the same treatment. It won't be long before the environmentalist turn on solar and wind
    There's plenty of proven tech already there. This is just another money transfer.
    Ill eat crow on the perpetual motion one.

    But whether its fusion or hydrogen or whatever, some bright young mind is going to come up with a better way. It's just a matter of time. When I was a kik the internet hadnt even been thought of. I dont know your age but imagine even 50 years ago, only Dick Tracey had a device that he could communicate with. Now our phones are more sophisticated than the computers that took us to the moon.

    And 'Spicoli'? Im hurt beyond repair, Norton Nork. ;)
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    I wouldn’t count this out yet.

    The announcement for this small scale test simply said they harvested more energy than the 192 lasers required to compress the water droplet.

    Except they didn't.

    They used 400MJ of energy to fire the lasers. They are conveniently skewing the result as only a tiny fraction of the beams was absorbed by the pellet (they also overlook the fact that the pellet has to be called to near absolute zero, which takes a lot of energy as well.)

    The energy produced wouldn't power a 40W bulb for a day. 400MJ would provide the entire energy needs of about 10 houses for a day.

    They made a similar ridiculous announcement last year. It's a failing project and they are scrambling for funds, which requires support from the uneducated media and public.
    Except they didn't.

    They used 400MJ of energy to fire the lasers. They are conveniently skewing the result as only a tiny fraction of the beams was absorbed by the pellet (they also overlook the fact that the pellet has to be called to near absolute zero, which takes a lot of energy as well.)

    The energy produced wouldn't power a 40W bulb for a day.
    They probably have former Enron accountants doing data analysis…
    Any excuse to share more of that 1972 goodness that was the height of cinematic excellence, that will NEVER be matched.

    Sure, let's do fusion. What could possibly go wrong? What nightmares could be unleashed on an unsuspecting population...

    We were warned!!!
    it's safe energy as your three toed kids born with flippers rather than arms tried to tell you about it while his skin is falling off . just like nuclear is so safe lol sure it is right up to a melt down then it's not just bad but really really bad . oops a simple mistake the worker forgot to not flush the cooling water and an strange glow over your neighborhood .
    Just like the electric car scam.
    But they have their truth and facts don't matter
    Except they didn't.

    They used 400MJ of energy to fire the lasers. They are conveniently skewing the result as only a tiny fraction of the beams was absorbed by the pellet (they also overlook the fact that the pellet has to be called to near absolute zero, which takes a lot of energy as well.)

    The energy produced wouldn't power a 40W bulb for a day. 400MJ would provide the entire energy needs of about 10 houses for a day.

    They made a similar ridiculous announcement last year. It's a failing project and they are scrambling for funds, which requires support from the uneducated media and public.
    Don't forget about the tranny non-binary or whatever it's called that was supposedly in charge of the nation's nuclear waste (which is not "waste" but that's another story) who has been arrested for stealing luggage and could face 7 years in the pokey. It is a DOE employee under Jennifer Granholm who knows zilch about energy, so they needed something to take the focus off that debacle.