Firearms NEW - AI AXMC Package


You can run but you can’t Hide bitch!
Full Member
Jan 24, 2013
Parker, CO
Back again to let another one go. Dog had some surgery, house purchase soon and I won’t have time to go shooting for at least a year I’d guess. Everything for rifle is new and unfired unless indicated *. The firing pin is standard which is LFP for all bolts. I have a complete SFP S/A bolt/assembly on order I can hang onto and provide it for what I paid. They are hard to find unicorns right now and I’ve been waiting for months.

Brand New unfired 2018 Sage Green AXMC
Brand New 6.5 CM Proof Carbon prefit 24” with hellfire adapter
Brand new Sage Green S/A Mag
Brand new S/A Mag Adapter
Brand new 338 Bolt (Original with serial #)
Brand new Sage Green 338 Mag
Brand new L/A bolt
Brand new Sage Green L/A Mag
Brand new Thumb rest
Brand new ARCA Tripod plate
Brand new ARCA Rail
Brand new Hoptic cheek pad
Like new* Pelican Storm fitted Case

$Sold Split shipping. New ones with discount are $6,750 without extras or a proof carbon barrel. Extra $sold gets you two more bolts/mags and fitted case, as well as the arca accessories, Proof carbon barrel etc.

Also available with rifle OR after it sells:
Like new* Spuhr SP-4302 1.5” 10moa (Gives 40moa with the 30moa on the AXMC rail.)
Brand new TBAC Bipod with extra spike feet, leg extensions and arca adapter
Like new * Tangent Theta 525P Gen 3 XR
Kestrel Elite 5700
Brand new Labradar bundle with every accessory/hard case
Like new* RRS TFCT-34L MK2 Soar Series 3 w/Anvil 30
Brand new

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