New Best For me!


Full Member
Jun 4, 2017
Ft Plain NY
Had a new best for me last Thursday, I managed two hits one with my RPR in 6.5 creedmore using factory 140 ELD Match and a hit using an XM2010 .300 Win Mag which wasn't mine and also much easier to hit with at 1601 yards! Its was a great day a the range with some good people. Had some great spotters helping me out. I am very happy to finally have gotten the chance to shoot past 1000.




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There is something about getting hits way out there that becomes a bit addicting. It may just be a good thing that I have very limited access to an area that I can shoot ELR, or I would likely be in deeper than I already am.

Glad you had a good time.
It is addicting lash It is my version of crack lol! It was my first time in Vermont, drove 4 hours to go shooting up there. It's hard to find the dirt to shoot over 1000 yards. I have a friend who lets me shoot on his farm and most of the time I'm limited to 600 yards but on occasion I can get out to 800-1000 depending on whats been mowed or what crops are growing or harvested. Just lucky thats only 10 mins from my house.
Absolutely!!! I was only a 149 yards short from a mile, we actually shot 1601 yards. Id like to push it to 2 miles if I can get the dirt to make it happen. I know Ill either have to build a new rifle or use my M95 Barrett lol.
Absolutely!!! I was only a 149 yards short from a mile, we actually shot 1601 yards. Id like to push it to 2 miles if I can get the dirt to make it happen. I know Ill either have to build a new rifle or use my M95 Barrett lol.

6.5 Creed will get to a mile just fine.

Not to nit-pick but 159 yds. More to get to a mile;)...:cool:

Good shooting, stay with it. Love that country up there.
Copy that, I do try to learn as much as I can with both the good and the bad shots. I also try to learn as much as I can the its my turn to spot and call shots. I just wish I had more time and money to spend on the range lol. I'm just lucky enough to have a friend who is a 17 year vet as a US Amy sniper, He has attended both the school at Benning for the Army and the Marines Scout sniper school plus he has been an instructor at both. He is extremely knowledgeable and absolutely loves to share and teach.
Copy that, I do try to learn as much as I can with both the good and the bad shots. I also try to learn as much as I can the its my turn to spot and call shots. I just wish I had more time and money to spend on the range lol. I'm just lucky enough to have a friend who is a 17 year vet as a US Amy sniper, He has attended both the school at Benning for the Army and the Marines Scout sniper school plus he has been an instructor at both. He is extremely knowledgeable and absolutely loves to share and teach.

Nice friend to have