New guy from Minnesota


Full Member
Nov 3, 2013
Twin Cities
I found this great resource via reference on M4C by the late, much missed, ArmyChief. I've been soaking up good info for over a year, and just thought I'd say howdy. I'm an old Vet with weak eyes who still enjoys building ARs and shooting in general. Better With handguns, but enjoy the rifles more.

I'll keep reading and hopefully avoid posting my ignorance about precision shooting. If I can just resist buying another safe, I may not go broke on glass, ARs and 1911s.
Way too cold up there for me. I'm down here in North carolina. Welcome aboard. This place is pretty good. Lots of good info here but always ask where the people got the references from. I only say that because there are tons of legit people here...and some that don't really know. Anyway, welcome.