Hello all,
I’m new to both hunting and the precision world but i have been sitting for most of my life. I discovered this forum while exploring my first bolt rifle build for hunting, and since then, I’ve decided to finally dive into precision shooting. That being said, I’m hoping to find that magical middle ground where a rifle suits both the competition and hunting worlds.
My goals right now are a lighter-weight but tough rifle that can withstand slips and falls in steep, muddy, and rocky terrain. It should have enough range and energy for mid-to-long-range large game (elk, deer, bear, antelope, sheep) in the Rockies while also being reliable, modular, and precise enough for competition—most likely NRL Hunter-style matches.
After reading several interesting threads on running multiple calibers with just a bolt and barrel change using specialty mags or spacers, I think this is an option I’d like to keep open. There are several calibers I’m interested in—mainly .308 Win, 7 PRC, 300 PRC, and .338 Lapua—and having the ability to add them later by simply swapping a barrel, bolt, and spacer (or custom mag) would be ideal.
Initially, I think this will be my 7 PRC build:
Foundation Revelation or Foundation Hunt
LPA Fuzion LA
Hawkins M5 detachable BM
Proof 22" carbon prefit
TriggerTech 2-stage
TBA Magnus-S-RR
ZCO or Razor HD Gen III
I haven’t bought anything yet, as I’m currently selling a couple of other guns to fund this build. I’m also still working through compatibility checks, hoping that most of these parts play nicely together. Comments or suggestions are appreciated!
Right now, I’m trying to confirm whether the Hawkins M5 Detachable works seamlessly with the LPA Fuzion LA. Most sources suggest they’re compatible, but on LPA’s site, they mention that the Fuzion only comes cut for the Hawkins BDL or Hunter. My knowledge here is lacking, so any insight would be helpful.
I’d love to hear from anyone with side-by-side experience running heavier calibers in these two stocks (Foundation Revelation vs. Foundation Hunt).
I’m not aiming for an ultra-light build—I want to be able to run 7 PRC comfortably all day at a match while still being able to hunt and carry it around the mountains without needing a wagon. I’m assuming the final weight will land somewhere in the 12–14 lb range.
I’ll keep this updated as I go!
I’m new to both hunting and the precision world but i have been sitting for most of my life. I discovered this forum while exploring my first bolt rifle build for hunting, and since then, I’ve decided to finally dive into precision shooting. That being said, I’m hoping to find that magical middle ground where a rifle suits both the competition and hunting worlds.
My goals right now are a lighter-weight but tough rifle that can withstand slips and falls in steep, muddy, and rocky terrain. It should have enough range and energy for mid-to-long-range large game (elk, deer, bear, antelope, sheep) in the Rockies while also being reliable, modular, and precise enough for competition—most likely NRL Hunter-style matches.
After reading several interesting threads on running multiple calibers with just a bolt and barrel change using specialty mags or spacers, I think this is an option I’d like to keep open. There are several calibers I’m interested in—mainly .308 Win, 7 PRC, 300 PRC, and .338 Lapua—and having the ability to add them later by simply swapping a barrel, bolt, and spacer (or custom mag) would be ideal.
Initially, I think this will be my 7 PRC build:
Foundation Revelation or Foundation Hunt
LPA Fuzion LA
Hawkins M5 detachable BM
Proof 22" carbon prefit
TriggerTech 2-stage
TBA Magnus-S-RR
ZCO or Razor HD Gen III
I haven’t bought anything yet, as I’m currently selling a couple of other guns to fund this build. I’m also still working through compatibility checks, hoping that most of these parts play nicely together. Comments or suggestions are appreciated!
Right now, I’m trying to confirm whether the Hawkins M5 Detachable works seamlessly with the LPA Fuzion LA. Most sources suggest they’re compatible, but on LPA’s site, they mention that the Fuzion only comes cut for the Hawkins BDL or Hunter. My knowledge here is lacking, so any insight would be helpful.
I’d love to hear from anyone with side-by-side experience running heavier calibers in these two stocks (Foundation Revelation vs. Foundation Hunt).
I’m not aiming for an ultra-light build—I want to be able to run 7 PRC comfortably all day at a match while still being able to hunt and carry it around the mountains without needing a wagon. I’m assuming the final weight will land somewhere in the 12–14 lb range.
I’ll keep this updated as I go!