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New Home Defense Rifle Suggestions


Dec 1, 2023
My inner child wants the Fostech Raptor. While the adult side of me likes the Colt patrol rifle. And the prior service side of me wants a BCM rifle. I dont think Ive seen a BCM rifle in stock...ever.

Theres a Sea of great AR's out there. If you could only pick one AR rifle for home defense which one would you get?
SBR or braced pistol.

Branding doesn't really matter, so long as it functions. Most folks aren't "operators" & for home defense "whatever" needn't be precise out to distances.

Most folks would be better served saving the $ on any high end "whatever", and put that savings towards a dot, light, suppressor, training, decent ammunition & range ammunition...etc

Plus everyone's home (and neighborhood) differs, along with family situations. Perhaps SBR PS90's for some family members...Older/younger...
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BCM, Colt, DD - if for home defense purposes I certainly would stick with a factory built just for the sake of all the possible permutations that could possible arise in a criminal and or civil case after the fact but otherwise as long as its a reputable company and you dont have any crazy logos or stickers on it, i.e. kill em all and let god sort them out, etc. you are good.
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This (a shotgun) is a proper home defense weapon, IMO.

BCM, Colt, DD - if for home defense purposes I certainly would stick with a factory built just for the sake of all the possible permutations that could possible arise in a criminal and or civil case after the fact but otherwise as long as its a reputable company and you dont have any crazy logos or stickers on it, i.e. kill em all and let god sort them out, etc. you are good.
Unless you're a cop than you can have "you're fucked" on it and shoot an unarmed guy begging for his life and it's all good.
Sorry but you managed to trigger me.
There are quite a few reputable companies. I have a DDM4V7 as my primary HD long gun, and it has been put through the proving grounds killing hogs at night. I might add (although I have no experience with the model) the FN TAC3. I have an FN DMRII as my backdoor rifle, and it has been both utterly reliable and accurate in critter killing.

BCM, DD, FN, Colt, Seekins, etc... There are so many. Also, a "home defense" rifle that will never see duty outside the house probably doesn't need to be quite as robust as the tier 1 stuff. That being said, I urge to buy the best you can afford.
Did the TAPCO catalog throw up on it?
Its just a Mossberg pic I got from their website...some sort of "tactical" weapon in Mossberg's view. I wouldn't have one, I personally have zero use/desire for any tactical shotgun. And frankly any shotgun is, IMO, superior to other weapons for general home defense.

Here, you like this one better?....shoots the same ammo, costs a lot more :rolleyes:

A milspec upper and lower with a carbine length gas system and a barrel length between 10.3 and 14.5” The lower slab sided because I’m not wrong handed. A quad pic rail instead of mlok. A suppressor. A dot optic like an Aimpoint or Eotech on some kind of riser 1.9” or higher. A white light and sling that is fitted. Shoot at least a thousand rounds through it.
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Can alone may not save your hearing on most things...and I can attest to partial hearing loss due to "hearing safe" outside....being fired inside.
Electronic ears on bedside tables. Just options is all. Plus if able to grab them (wherever someone keeps them), might give the home defender an extra advantage. Aside from saving hearing.

Have them a couple places around our home. Kitchen, shop/garage, range bags.
Its just a Mossberg pic I got from their website...some sort of "tactical" weapon in Mossberg's view. I wouldn't have one, I personally have zero use/desire for any tactical shotgun. And frankly any shotgun is, IMO, superior to other weapons for general home defense.

Here, you like this one better?....shoots the same ammo, costs a lot more :rolleyes:

View attachment 8455403

New Home Defense Rifle Suggestions...We get it, you say shotgun . Now go away please .​

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I'm a long range shotgunner. If I can't get paper plate sized buckshot patterns at 50 minimum, I'm not happy.

(also know that for me, a handgun inside beats both of them)
Thinks...these shotgun lovers have no clue how that shotgun performs at close range . They think shot spreads as soon as it leaves the muzzle .:rolleyes: Same guys think shotguns are lethal at distance.:rolleyes:
Once again you demonstrate that you don’t know WTF you’re talking about. There’s a reason you catch so much shit here on a regular basis. You lead with your ignorant chin.
Once again you demonstrate that you don’t know WTF you’re talking about. There’s a reason you catch so much shit here on a regular basis. You lead with your ignorant chin.
Just keep trolling and screaming for attention elsewhere please, this conversation is about rifles not shotguns .
The OP asked for home defense rifle suggestions and without hesitation I said an AK because they can sit under the bed for years and function or anyplace in the house. Unlike anything AR that will jam up with dog/cat/human hair lol. I have 2 AK's that keep me save [loaded mags empty chamber] , 300 win mag and 30.06 for really far get aways . Bedroom duty is a 2.5 python nightstand ,TV computer room SW 340 PD 1.8 both are loaded hot 357 JHP with 2 speedloaders each . Wife knows what condition they ALL are readiness wise , if i opted for a shotgun it would be the shortest legal barrel and min 20 ga # 6 . Weapons and ammo are not stacked against all the windows and doors in my house but at least one is always reachable i think for my safety but out of sight . good luck with your pick OP . If ya wanna get nostalgic ....fulton armory brand new 30 cal M1 carbine ....only about 3 K lol
The OP asked for home defense rifle suggestions and without hesitation I said an AK because they can sit under the bed for years and function or anyplace in the house. Unlike anything AR that will jam up with dog/cat/human hair lol
This is just my experience, AKs are kind of trash tier firearms. They are not free floated, they overheat quickly, they have a really stupid manual of arms, you can't really mount optics to them that hold zero, you can't really mount things on non existent rails. If you mount an optic with a side rail you can't service the rifle without removing the optic. In more ways then the AR, they are not user serviceable.

I would trust an AR over an AK any day.
Found an affordable Colt but it needs a handguard/stock/trigger guard. Also it looks like it doesnt have a Delta Ring.
I dont want to mess with the gas tube or barrel nut. Is there a modern style rail/handguard that will clamp onto this rifle without messing with the gas tube or nut?


View attachment 8456152
Centurion and Midwest Industries have some. Most of them are 2-piece. Here's an Apex GatorGrip that will work, but it might not be "modern" enough for you.

I think it’s ponderous that in a discussion about home defense, literally combat in your own home, someone posts that they are worried someone else will think ill of them after they prevail in the gunfight.

You can hire good lawyers and appeal bad sentences. Only Jesus, Mary, the Buddha and a few others got a mulligan on being dead.


this ought to play out well in court ......NOT
I think it’s ponderous that in a discussion about home defense, literally combat in your own home, someone posts that they are worried someone else will think ill of them after they prevail in the gunfight.

You can hire good lawyers and appeal bad sentences. Only Jesus, Mary, the Buddha and a few others got a mulligan on being dead.

You read into it wrong ... i was trying to get people to imagine how it would play out in court that they had enough time to put on hearing protection and maybe screw on a sound suppressor . In my house the homie dawg is getting 2 shots from a 340 pd of 357 JHP in center mass by an old naked guy .......i will put pants on after the fact lol
You read into it wrong ... i was trying to get people to imagine how it would play out in court that they had enough time to put on hearing protection and maybe screw on a sound suppressor . In my house the homie dawg is getting 2 shots from a 340 pd of 357 JHP in center mass by an old naked guy .......i will put pants on after the fact lol
If folks are truly that concerned about legalities of such, they could always take off the ears.

Not sure why a suppressed home defense firearm wouldn't have the suppressor on it allready...but sure. Lets play evil lawyer saying that it wasn't on there & the home owner took the time to put it on. So what. Doesn't matter. In our state there is zero duty to retreat (yet).

Oh I know one! Don't use home rolled ammunition in a DGU. Because. Lawyers. Pffft!!!
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This is just my experience, AKs are kind of trash tier firearms. They are not free floated, they overheat quickly, they have a really stupid manual of arms, you can't really mount optics to them that hold zero, you can't really mount things on non existent rails. If you mount an optic with a side rail you can't service the rifle without removing the optic. In more ways then the AR, they are not user serviceable.

I would trust an AR over an AK any day.
And the vaunted AK reliability is mostly overblown.
zastava M70 they will not quit in a firefight unless your thugs run over it with a tank and you only need to clean it when the piston looks like a chia pet
Have you ever cranked off rounds with 7.62x39 indoors before?

No bueno.
M92...A free mini flash bang with every trigger pull.
Even worse.

7.62x51 NATO indoors, even from a long barrel, is brutal overpressure as well.

It’s like ear-gut thunder.
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The OP asked for home defense rifle suggestions and without hesitation I said an AK because they can sit under the bed for years and function or anyplace in the house. Unlike anything AR that will jam up with dog/cat/human hair lol. I have 2 AK's that keep me save [loaded mags empty chamber] , 300 win mag and 30.06 for really far get aways . Bedroom duty is a 2.5 python nightstand ,TV computer room SW 340 PD 1.8 both are loaded hot 357 JHP with 2 speedloaders each . Wife knows what condition they ALL are readiness wise , if i opted for a shotgun it would be the shortest legal barrel and min 20 ga # 6 . Weapons and ammo are not stacked against all the windows and doors in my house but at least one is always reachable i think for my safety but out of sight . good luck with your pick OP . If ya wanna get nostalgic ....fulton armory brand new 30 cal M1 carbine ....only about 3 K lol
…have you ever had an AR clog up with hair? They are extremely reliable weapons and countless tests have proven that. You can also close the ejection port cover on them so no hair gets in…
Not to mention any m70 rifle in the US not built from the ground up in a kit by a premium builder is a bastard retrofit.

AK Rifles cannot be imported able to accept double stack magazines. So they are converted by opening up and modifying the magwell as well as replacing the single feed bolt with a double feed. They tend to be much less reliable than what people think of a standard comblock unmolested factory AK.

Anyone in the hobby knows the horror stories of century arms guns and their issues due to idiots working there and no standards. Yea that m70 was modified by some retard making minimum wage who can barely spell his name and never test fired to see if it will actually feed post modification.

It's why AK pistols are much more desirable as they can be imported with correct magwell/bolt combo due to difference in import laws. That century pistol is unmolested and came as it should from the factory built as intended.

This is a long way to say people who think and say AKs are some kind of amazing reliable weapon system generally are talking out their ass. They are just repeating shit from other people who are even more misinformed.

AK is a pretty shitty home defense option considering all the options out there. 99% of people who run one don't even know the manual of arms of running one proficiently.