New member from Southern California


Jun 13, 2024
Hey Everyone,

New here, definitely lurked the threads before joining. I have a military background as a FO, nothing related to long range precision shooting but it has always been a huge interest of mine. I currently work for the FD. I am trying to learn as much as I can and gain as much knowledge as possible. I have a .223 PRS style AR platform build that I am using to get more comfortable with everything while still not breaking the bank account. I'm currently building a 6.5 creedmor to get a little more reach and eventually want to get into 300WM and beyond. I also am trying to learn reloading and have a simple set up I plan on upgrading, so it's awesome to see threads here for that as well.
I'm in the SoCal (trust me, I know. I'm stuck here for work) area near Pendleton so suggestions for good spots or a shooting buddy would be awesome. Thanks y'all
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Hey, I’m near you in San Clemente. I shoot with Santa Margarita gun club at Camp Pendleton. We do several matches/practice each month such as midrange 300-500yd prone, action carbine/pistol, and Garand match. We always need EMT personnel and give free memberships. Give me a private message if you want.
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