New member


Jun 3, 2022
Hello, new member from south....been shooting and reloading 50 years....grew up dirt poor but thanks to uncle Sam I wound up with 3 degrees and worked my butt off to a decent life...volunteer and donate to those in need esp ex military....bought land and had a private outdoor range built...ccw holder....Have important question...Does anyone know what is going on with 17 Hornet rifles and ammo....I can't find either or find info....wanted to buy 2 rifles for grandsons and couple thousand rounds of ammo...did Ruger and Savage throw in towel like CZ? I can reload the ammo but not enough to get the boys to a pdog hunt.....Should I just sell my 2 rifles, ammo, supplies and move to like a 204? Would hate that as 17 is safe in 800yd fields after varmints....I thought I had found perfect rifle for bean and cane fields but collapse of rifle and ammo any Price....has me sorely disappointed......Do any of you folks have e courgaging news or do I push reset and start over.....Many thanks for any news...WAK
To answer your question... the future is unknown. Save your money, pay off your credit cards. As the recession deepens, there will be deals on a lot of things that were locked away in a safe.
To answer your question... the future is unknown. Save your money, pay off your credit cards. As the recession deepens, there will be deals on a lot of things that were locked away in a safe.
Thanks for reply....fortunately I have no credit card debt and I have been investing for 40 years... so along with a nice six figure income money is not a problem I fact I volunteer to teach financial concern is the future of that cartridge, rifles and ammo....I invested in reloading supplies and testing of the round...really liked it...but no good to me if hornady, ruger, Savage, cz are going to ditch I need 2 more rifles and plenty ammo by early fall....if the news is bad I am going to cut my losses, switch calibers, buy new rifles, reloading dies, and move on....I am just trying to see if rifle and ammo makers are going to stick with the round....I am sure at some point there will be a market dump of rifles if caliber is abandoned but I want something that will stand the test of time....the 17hmr is a good round but it will not reach out there to 250yds and get the job done like the 17 Hornet.....they seem to pop out every year with 3 or 4 new rounds while leaving some excellent ones to wilt away....I know it tis marketing but I am willing to pay a price for rifles and ammo that provides for a good fair profit....I see plenty about that caliber in Australia, England. Ireland....I wonder if they now worry about its future....WAK.PHD