New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
May 5, 2009
Eastern Ohio
I keep hearing talk about the new Mk13 Sniper rifle being tested at Fort Benning Sniper School. I think it is difinetly a good move ahead for our military.

<span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">The specs I hear are:</span></span>
Remington 700 Long Action
Accuracy International Chassis System (AICS)
Lija 26.5" Barrel/416 Stainless/1-10" Twist
Remington Standard 40X Trigger
Nightforce 3.5x-15 Zero Stop Optic
Knights Armament supressor

MK13 Mod 0 - .308
MK13 Mod 1 - .300 WM
MK13 Mod 2 - .338 Lapua

This is the only picture I could find:


The only shitty thing is I heard is instead of looking at the newer aand better stuff currently available, the MK13 builders took the supressor from the SR-25 and made it fit the MK13 . I think it looks a bit hideous. Then if the sniper wants to shoot with the supressor he has to fire 5 rounds to seat the supressor to get any accuracy. There is no way of knowing were those 5 "seater" rounds will impact. This leaves two choices for the sniper. Number #1 is to seat the supressor before heading out on the mission. #2 Seat the supressor when he is nesr his firing point and then fire 5 "seater" rounds before engaging the enemy. Then that leaves one hell of a signature and puts the sniper at alot of risk.

There is no dought with having the .300WM rather than the
7.62mm(.308) has many advantages. I just thought they (the military) would of had a sniper rifle a long time ago that covers the section between the 7.62 Sniper Rifle and the 50BMG Sniper Rifle in service.

I love the new ideas (besides the supressor) for the MK13.

<span style="font-weight: bold">Does anyone have any new input or what are your opinions on this new rifle? Any new or recent pics of it?</span>
Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

I know thats not an actual picture of a Mk13!

I said that was the only pic i could find.
(i changed the pic anyway to more recent one)

If you said welcome to 5 years ago.
Howcome I never EVER hear any talk about this rifle?
Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

Two guys shot the Bash last weekend with Mk13 Mod 3's, they broke the bolt <span style="font-style: italic">(wouldn't extract)</span> and trigger retention pin <span style="font-style: italic">(rear pin broke in half)</span> on one and the other was pretty much shot out after returning from deployment only a month ago... However they have sent many to the grave with them.
Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: longrange30</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
If you said welcome to 5 years ago.
Howcome I never EVER hear any talk about this rifle?</div></div>

Sorry, it sucks when you don't get the memos... but they have been in service since the beginning of the wars there... long time. We work with them constantly, just never felt the need to share.
Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Are there any good things coming out of this rifle over there?</div></div>

Lots of dead enemy combatants. The rifle works pretty well, although the suppressor attachment method sucks dead bunnies through a straw.

That problem is being addressed.
Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: longrange30</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Wow thats not a good thing!

Are there any good things coming out of this rifle over there? </div></div>

whats not a good thing?

Are you talking about the bolt handle braking?

Well that happens when you run the hell out of your equipment.

One more point on the bolt handle, I happy it broke on these men at RO during a comp, better in Texas than in the sandbox.

The only reason you do not know about the MK13, is because you are not in a unit that has them.

If you want the scoop on the shit, join a outfit that gets involved in such things.

Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

hi all
Reading this thread , it would seem that operators arnt totally happy with this rifle ,
Suppressor system,
Whats the reason why they did not just use the aw and be done with it?
Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

Every person except for one that I've ever heard bad mouth this rifle has never even seen one. I like them. Sure they're not perfect but it's a huge step up from our 24's. To be honest we don't do much suppressed shooting but that is the biggest area to be improved upon. They aren't anything new though. Been around awhile. Rifle is pretty solid.
Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Whats the reason why they did not just use the aw and be done with it?</div></div>

I think it's pretty obvious that both the Army and the Marine Corps would have been better off in many ways to have used AIs as their primary sniper weapon. I'm pretty damn sure that the Marine Corps would have saved a ton of money by not running the Precision Weapon Shop which builds the M40s.

However, if you're familiar with the history of Accuracy International, you will recall that AI has had ups and downs financially, primarily due to poor management, and it hasn't always been obvious that AI would even remain in operation. Precision rifles are a small part of the shooting world, and demand for them is not that great.

In addition, U.S. defense policy seems to be to depend upon foreign entities to the minimum extent possible. That's probably a smart policy.
Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

We do have a few AW's. I don't want to name units but I'm not talking the secret squirrel guys either. Regular Army has them. There was a few guys at sniper school awhile back that said all they had to do was present a slide show to the commander on why they needed them and there they were a few months later. Two .300 win mags and one .338 LM is what they got if I remember correctly. Had pics of them and everything. They passed the slide show and presentation over to me but I haven't bothered. It would get shot down. They are out there though.
Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

The 10th Mountain Division did their homework through Army G3/5/7 and got Mark 13s on loan from USSOCOM. Some units may have used Remington's lease program for their deployments.

Conventional Army is on its way to getting their M24s retro-fitted to .300 Win mag, but I don't believe Army contracting has let that contract out yet.
Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions


300 win mag seems like a quik fix, without having to go through as much gov paperwork to get better long distance capability. i think they should change to 338 lapua like the rest of nato.
Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: turbosa22c</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> 300 win mag seems like a quik fix, without having to go through as much gov paperwork to get better long distance capability. i think they should change to 338 lapua like the rest of nato. </div></div>

For once I agree w/ the bean counters and the line dogs that helped make the decision. Why would you go through all of the BS to standardize and field a new weapons system and cartridge for 1/10th of 1% of shots taken? Most of those shots were taken by fellas that have access to the 338LM and other things.


Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

USSOCOM has declared they need a 33-caliber magnum rifle.

The United States Army Infantry Center and School has not written any requirement for a 33-caliber rifle and has declared they will strap-hang on whatever SOCOM buys.

They made the mistake of trusting a contractor and ignoring all divisions and the school by declaring the M110 would <span style="color: #FF0000"><span style="font-weight: bold">replace</span></span> the M24. The troops and commanders spoke and said they weren't giving up their bolt guns and wanted magnums. The .300 was always the planned upgrade, and SOCOM has two standard rounds on the shelf.

This is what the intelligence community calls "An indicator" and troops call a "Blinding Flash of the Obvious."

There is no standard (non-SOCOM) .338 Lapua in issue right now. The on-hand M24 is being upgraded today.
Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: WallyAZ</div><div class="ubbcode-body">When did AI move over to a Remington bolt knob in the original picture...sure looks like a MK13...Wally </div></div>

He switched out the original picture.
Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

Geez, I thought the Marine Corps was bad with all the upgrades but looks like the Army has them beat by a mile. Wish someone would make up thier minds!! I guess the idea of getting things lighter has gone by the wayside for both of them, feel sorry for the poor slobs that have to carry all this shit!!
Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

We just got our m110's and are supposed to be getting our 24's re-chambered. I figure that it will be a long time before that happens though. It is going to be nice having the 107, 110, and 13 at our disposal.

It will truly allow us to cater to the mission.

We will see how it turns out.

Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

USASOC has planned for a suite of sniper weapons -- do the mission analysis and pick the weapon for the task.

Infantry had told the troops, "It'll be an M110 and a 107. You're welcome."

That changed in February 2009 when TRADOC asked, "Why is it again, Benning, you're taking away the M24?" and USASOC told them to pound sand.

The average Army sniper will not appreciate the input that USAMU SFC Jason Saint John and Robbie Johnson, both decorated former 3rd Ranger Battalion snipers, SOTIC grads, and two-time winners of the Benning sniper competition had in convincing the Leg Army to consider their war exerience recommendations.
Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: victory</div><div class="ubbcode-body">We just got our m110's and are supposed to be getting our 24's re-chambered. I figure that it will be a long time before that happens though. It is going to be nice having the 107, 110, and 13 at our disposal.

It will truly allow us to cater to the mission.

We will see how it turns out.

Cheers </div></div>

It's nice having variety. We're up to 23 rifles I think for a 10 man section. Everyone has a 110 or highly modded m14 as a backup.
Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

I received a MK13 Mod5 back in I think, Nov. 2007. It's great to get a .300wm. Take about a laser compared to the .308s. It was a little disappointing that Crane shipped out some rifles that did not even meet their standards in accuracy. I stood there in NET training while some civies were explaining the standards to us and I was looking at the stats on paperwork that came with our rifles. I pointed this out and wrote it in the critiques. Anyways, we went to the range and I was again surprise they gave us a rifle whos ejector isn't strong enough to kick out a live round from the action.

So, a couple months later I went to Crane and brought these things up a guy there that builds them and he said SOCOM was pressing them (crane) to get these rifles out to the forces and that SOCOM was happy about the $5600 price tag and didn't want anymore time in developement. Hopefully, they (crane) have tightened their groups up, so to speak.

Anyways, it's great to have a .300wm and a PVS-26. Nice kit, I guess.
Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

Way back when..(like 91-94) I helped the Crane armorer on the Navy van with a couple of the pre-Mk13 300WM rifles made for NSW operators. The NSW guys I had talked to all liked the rifles. Back then they were R700 LAs with a special recoil lug that extended forward horizontally (basically L-shaped) and had an extra bedding screw to help keep the receiver in the bedding with the 26" barrel and 300WM shots. They were basically stocked in the McMillan A2 or Baker Special, but had heard tell of a few being done in McHales. The ones I saw & fondled had 16x M1A Ultra's on top, but I had heard of L&S 3-9x40's being used with the Simrad's. These were built to shoot the A191 ammo with the 190s, and did so to 1-1.5" groups at 300yds pretty consistently. I believe one of those pre-Mk13s had an impressive tally in Mog back in 93.

From that experience, I can only SWAG that when Crane became the SOCOM weps depot-level facility, they drew on the experience with those rifles to make the MK13 series. It makes sense to go to the AICS with the increased production to support SOCOM and not just NSW, especially when one of the principal guys making rifles (the one who designed the lug) relocated from Crane to another Navy facility to directly support some NSW assets. It would save LOTS in build/rebuild time, and the cost in group size wouldn't be THAT significant. Having a box mag would be a nice feature also.
Re: New MK13 Sniper Rifle/ Your Opinions

Don't want to echo to much of what sinister said but when the M21's were pulled from my unit and the M24 came in the requirement back then was for the weapon to be upgraded to .300 Winchester Mag. when the time came.

A lot of us thought they should have done that in the first place and by now the .338 could be replacing this system. However the Army has a lot invested in this and it'll just have to run its course. The was always ment to be a mix of thes weapons as said before.