New prs rig 6.5 gap 4s


Full Member
Feb 15, 2017
Seen old post before brass was more available through Hornady about long rifles Inc getting rid of there reamers with old specs and George from gap 4s reamers built to spec for Hornady brass. Would like here opinion about this cartridge. I'm put in a order for one of seeking havak actions so this was the cartridge I would like to run
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I have one built by short action customs. 22" proof barrel. I really enjoy the rifle. I will definitely rebarrel this rifle to the same configuration when it comes that time. Shoots 140's right at 3000 fps. I shoot turned Norma 300 saum


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Interested in this also. Also interested in the new PRC cartridge for comps given brass is a lot cheaper. Not sure what quality the latest batches have? If they are essentially equal, then for cost savings and knowing you'll lose some brass, the PRC makes more sense for trying in competitions.

Barrel heat and recoil off structures are of interest. I can say when I had my 10lb SAUM hunting rifle I watched a deer's neck fold back under impact at 100 yards , so recoil prone is a non-issue. I sold that rifle, but am working on having another 6.5 SAUM or variant. I have heard F-class shooters say they gave up on it because barrel heat was too much for a 20 round string, but there's not a lot of data on powder types and how hard they were pushing it; and to be honest they are trying to hit a smaller target to win. I'd like to think it would be a good "field course" Steel Safari, possibly SH Cup, etc.
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