Well, I have been looking at many different .22's. Looked at CZ-USA, Marlin, and finally Savage. That being said, I chose the Savage Mk I FVT. Upon reciving the rifle I was estatic to have a rifle with quality irons (peep rear, globe front). It is chambered in .22 S/L/LR.
Later, when I took apart the barreled action from stock, I was impressed with the design of the "Accu-Release", very cool sear blocker! The trigger on the rifle is light and crisp, with little to no take up. I chose to go with the smaller circular front sight (the rifle comes with a 10 sight insert; 7 circular, 3 post). I have never used such front sight, but really do like the sight picture over a post. The action is a single shot, copy of the Mk II, but with a solid bottom.
The only bad thing with the rifle is the stock! Seriously, they would've done better with a cheap peice of 2x4 than this abomination! The stock flexes way to easily, and the plastic buttplate is secured by common house screws, and the comb is far too low (easily fixed by gauze and electrical tape). If you buy this rifle, you will need a better stock. The rear sight for elevation is a bit mushy at first and the rear sight has no markings, just "ticks".
Hopefully I can get out and shoot it sometime, so I cannot comment on the accuacy. From what I have heard, the rifle should shoot well (who know with me behind it though!).
If you are looking for a good starter target rifle, I would recomend the Savage, just make sure you know that you'll have to replace the stock.
Later, when I took apart the barreled action from stock, I was impressed with the design of the "Accu-Release", very cool sear blocker! The trigger on the rifle is light and crisp, with little to no take up. I chose to go with the smaller circular front sight (the rifle comes with a 10 sight insert; 7 circular, 3 post). I have never used such front sight, but really do like the sight picture over a post. The action is a single shot, copy of the Mk II, but with a solid bottom.
The only bad thing with the rifle is the stock! Seriously, they would've done better with a cheap peice of 2x4 than this abomination! The stock flexes way to easily, and the plastic buttplate is secured by common house screws, and the comb is far too low (easily fixed by gauze and electrical tape). If you buy this rifle, you will need a better stock. The rear sight for elevation is a bit mushy at first and the rear sight has no markings, just "ticks".
Hopefully I can get out and shoot it sometime, so I cannot comment on the accuacy. From what I have heard, the rifle should shoot well (who know with me behind it though!).
If you are looking for a good starter target rifle, I would recomend the Savage, just make sure you know that you'll have to replace the stock.