New to once fired

Re: New to once fired

If you are at max loads on either it may be wise to back down a bit. I haven't had
any problems or noticed any differences but I never load to the wall either.
Re: New to once fired

Most "medium to mild" loads like factory ammo you can load at least 4 or 5 times. Some lower powered cartridges like a PPC you can get 20 to 30 cycles on it before having to anneal it or change neck bushings.
Re: New to once fired

by load i assume you talking about charge weight which should not have to be changed unless you fireforming or something.just be sure to fl resize if your getting once fired from a rifle other than the one your reloading for or reloading for a semi-auto.
Re: New to once fired

Once fired brass will have a slightly higher case capacity, so its possible to have a small difference in performance. With that said, I have never noticed any difference between neck sized or full body sized reloads, in performance, accuracy, or point of impact. But its hard to say in your particular rifle/load combo. Best thing to do will be to try it out. Load up 10 identical rounds except Full body size 5 rounds and just neck size the other 5 and compare.