Almost all of the WEF's history, it's founding members, and it's current members had Nazi ties, had ancestors who were Nazis, or received government experience under the Nazi regime. Even though it proclaims "world" and "international" in it's descriptions, the organization is chiefly German in origin and broadcasts most of it's power on the EU countries, almost making it a fourth Reich. The very first Reich was the reign of Charlemagne, the first Holy Roman Emperor, and he was very much a globalist during his time too. His massive and bloody efforts to eradicate every trace of paganism in the German lands at the point of the sword and instill the Catholic faith, which was the great unifier of the day, caused the slaughter of thousands. Even those who refused to send their children to the state approved and Church sanctioned schools and those who did not attend church services were beheaded or burned to death. One of Charlemagne's greatest atrocities was called the "Bloody Verdict of Verden", where his knights descended upon village after village in hundreds of coordinated raids, catching those whom they even suspected of secretly worshipping traditional pagan idols or practicing pagan root and leaf medicine, and slaughtering people indiscriminately. It was said that rivers ran red with blood all through the empire after this campaign was over. The modern transhumanism ideology of the leftists today did not exist during the early Middle Ages, as the great unifier of that time was Catholicism, and Charlemagne, in true globalist fashion, was able to weaponize it into an obliterator of entire ideologies in the lands that he ruled.