Newb wanting to start reloading


Oct 22, 2023
Central Florida
I recently acquired an Aero Solus rifle in 308 as I have several semi-autos in 308 already.

I have been shooting FGMM and IMI match ammo, and I have purchased a Garmin Xero and have started compiling DOPE for my rifle.

I currently reload for hunting and plinking and now wish to reload for my precision rifle.

What Dies and process would you recommend.

Currently I tumble my brass and trim then prime and reload.

I currently only have a set of Lee Die both Full length and Neck for 308.

I am thinking of acquiring either RCBS or Redding match dies.

What does the hide recommend and what should the process be for precision ammo.

Beside dies my biggest question is determining the best method for throwing a powder charge, what is the preferred method for precision rounds.
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