Newbie reading list


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Feb 22, 2018
Central Ohio
I haven't gotten the chance to take a formal class yet. I've only shot pass 100yds once. I have a lot of experience with bench 22lr. I'm looking for a fundamentals reading list. I've listened to all of Frank's podcasts. I'm not looking to compete. For me, I want to hit what I aim at all the time. I'm not looking for speed. (Crawl, walk, run).

I know the best way is actually shooting. Family and work eat most of my time. I get some time to dry fire at home, but nothing constant. Just looking for a few leads to get me pointed square at the target.
Check out "Applied Ballistics for Long Range Shooting" to come up to speed on what affects the bullet during flight.
I actually got that for Christmas last year. I was looking more for positional instructions. Is the Army or USMC shooting instruction online? Are there any other shooting manuals out there that help with unsupported instruction?