Re: Newbie To Persision Rifle - Keep Getting Flyers
Attempting to get MOA or sub-moa accuracy from a factory rifle with factory ammunition may be too much to ask from your equipment.
Of course, FGMM is good ammunition and you have a decent, "factory", rifle.
From where I sit, the rifle may or may not be capable of sub-moa accuracy with the load you're shooting, or it may.... it's hard to say.
As others have said, scope paralax could be the issue... you have to make sure it's adjusted out and, you have to put your face on the rifle in the same spot and squeeze the trigger without moving the rifle.
Even if all is well with the rifle and ammunition, you may get fliers with your set up, IMHO. If you were loading for your rifle, I'd say different.
Different rifles like different loads and while FGMM is good ammo, not all rifles like it as much as others do and, the only way to know what your rifle is truly capable of, you'd have to do some load developement.
Every rifle, "rings", for lack of a better word... when the rifle goes bang, a shockwave goes through it... it travels at the speed of sound in metal wich is 18,000fps as the bullet travels down the barrel... the shockwave is going up and down the barrel as the bullet is going down the barrel. The idea is to load for the rifle in such a way as to have the shockwave by the reciever as the bullet exits the barrel ( since the barrel will be the most still at that point ). Since every rifle is different, you have to figure out how your own rifle rings.
This is why bedding is so important ( the rifle can't "ring", the same way if it's rattling around in the stock ), the bedding dampens the shockwave and transfers a lot of it to the stock... this is also why heavy barrels do better than lighter ones, ( the shockwave is dampened by the heavy barrel ) and that is why load developement is sooooo critical to accuracy.
When doing load developement on a 5,000.00 rifle, you will get groups that go out to almost 2" at 100yds then, as you get to the sweet spot, the groups go down to .25" or better.... ( they'll all be going through the same hole )... and this is all about load developement and if everything is well with your equipment.
So honestly, it's hard to say what's going on with your rifle... you may be doing everything 100% correctly and the rifle just doesn't like the ammo and/or, the fact that your rifle isn't bedded could be throwing the shots or, it could be you.
If you're really interested in finding your rifles true potential without spending the bank, I'd bring it to a good smith and have them bed the rifle ( that's not very expensive ) Also, if you're a brave soul, there are youtube videos that show the bedding process and, you could do it yourself. Then, have a friend that reloads work on a load for you.
I'm sure you could find a load that would give you .5" groups if you did that without too much fuss.
Sorry for the long-winded explanation but, it's a complicated subject and much misunderstood subect. Lots of folks, even here don't understand it but, they know to bed a rifle but, they don't know why they should etc.
So, even now, the old saying is true... there are three "B"s in accuracy, "Bullets", "Bedding" and, "Barrel".