Newbie using Hornady 4DOF ... what am I missing?


Jan 11, 2024
Kansas City, MO
I've searched here but can't find an answer...

Have been reading what many of you have posted about NOT thinking in terms of inches or centimeters when you are adjusting a scope for distance. A couple of you have written that when you finally "get it," you get it. Apparently I haven't gotten it yet.

When I enter all info needed into my 4DOF app, it spits out a range card with an MOA column. I then divide the MOA number (for the distance I'll be shooting) by 0.36 [the amount of MOA represented by each click of the elevation turret] and then turn the turret that number of clicks.

Is that what you all go through, or am I missing something? If so, why doesn't the 4DOF app simply add a field for the click value and give you a click count instead of the MOA?

What am I missing here? If this extra step is caused by me converting MOA to MRAD, can I use the 4DOF app differently and skip that conversion?

Thanks in advance, I hope!
Stop doing anything in moa or inches. It doesnt matter. Come to the dark side and think in mils only. Don't convert anything. I don't even look at inches or moa for anything. It is not a consideration any more.
Go into the "edit" tab for your rifle and then select the hilighted part in the screen shot I've attached


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When I enter all info needed into my 4DOF app, it spits out a range card with an MOA column. I then divide the MOA number (for the distance I'll be shooting) by 0.36 [the amount of MOA represented by each click of the elevation turret] and then turn the turret that number of clicks.

BTW this math is wrong. If you need to convert a MOA value to a mil value you divide MOA by 3.438. 1 MOA / 3.438 = .3 mrad.

What do you pilot?
You can just click on the bottom corner where it gives you your come up in moa and this will come up below. Just hit MRAD and then set and you will get data in mils.

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Thanks guys, that helps a lot. I WAS converting correctly six months ago and nailing targets out to 650 yards, but have been traveling for work and forgot how I did it. I appreciate your patience. Now I don't have to convert anything.
I realize that now, but that's what my pro trainer taught me to do (even though months later I forgot the calculation, it worked at the time). Maybe that was just his way of messing with me and to go back to the shop with another hilarious Noob story?!
What “pro” trainer recommended converting data from your ballistic app into MOA when your scope is already in mils?