Night Vision Night Ops


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Jan 5, 2014
This will be my new thread for 2020+ regarding night related activities.

So first up on the agenda, thanks to Max at N-Vision, I've been "tasked" with some testing on the new Nox-18 which just arrived today. :love:


From left to right, we have a good ole BAE Skeet(320) ... then in the center the shiny new Nox-18 ... then last and maybe not least the good ole Trijicon Patrol. We note how, size wise, the Nox fits right about dead center between them in length.

Next I mounted it up on a mk12 upper ... and it mounts up fine and I can get eye relief and cheek/stock weld ... even on the mk12 (with the ironsights on board).


Well, I think first, tonight, I'll try it on my head ... and try to get some pics for up close and also at distance. And even try to compare side by side with skeet and patrol.

Stay tuned, more to come.
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I spent about an hour on the phone with Tym, one of @Max_R sales managers. Tym was awesome! We are making some plans to do some coyote hunting in NH in the near future as soon as the season opens Jan. 1 for night hunts. Hoping to meet up with that crew in the next few weeks to see some guy and maybe scout some locations. So excited!

Goal: Pics with Nox-18

Environment: Cool with a breeze. Clear, stars all over. Muddy from rain 4 out of last 5 days … this is good … we haven’t had mud for months.

RRS Tripod

First setup near the house and took a few pics

Skeet (320)




Bright spots on the left are camera … in general “bad camera” on this one







Bad camera left side of image


Bad camera left side of image … and need to dial down the brightness on the Nox




Bad camera left and right side of image



Bad camera top of image



Then I picked up and walked up to the top of signal hill … about 500yds … and setup with the Nox


Coloration is camera … cattle are 600-700yds … top of ridge is 800-900yds …


When I set up to take this pic I could see one of my cows at about 1500yds directly below the cross hair of the reticle (on the ground but above the top of the neara tree line) … there are 21 cows and 1 bull in that pasture … and many nights I can see quite a few of them … but by the time I snapped the pic, the one cow (guessing) had moved behind a tree.
I can see a TV tower about 12 mils to the right of the center cross hair … its about 7 miles distant.

I’ll go try again tomorrow … and see if I can get my PVS-14/Camera interface working … each person can judge for themselves ... after trying to factor out camera issues ... but I'd give the nod to the nox ...

Other comments:
I found the Nox focus ring to be pretty stiff, I assume that's on purpose :D
The dove tail was a little wobbly, max told me that ahead of time, so its a known issue. They are working on improving that. Changes will be made to the final production version based on the current "field testing" activities we are engaged in ... so we (myself and others) are engaged in trying to shake out any other issues we can find, so they can be corrected in the final.
Maybe it will get better with time, but I couldn't feel for the buttons with gloved hands ... so I was operating without gloves ...
I need to mess with the buttons more and learn them. The on off/nuc button is easy to find. And I found the invert button. But that was as far as I got with out reading the flash cards (i'm a bang the buttons and figure it out sort of guy --- versus an RTFM sort of guy :D ).
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... Let me know if you ever need some help on the photo side of things ...

Hi Larry Us !!!

Yeah I know I suqueue at pics !! Any pointers would be great ! Mostly I think I need to get things aligned ... and the pvs-14 / camera interface widget should help with that. I think I'll just take the Patrol and the Nox out tomorrow. And both have 14 rear ends. Other than that, maybe tuning the "color".

And BTW, the "yellow" color on the patrol is due to the nice custom amber filter Aaron Fouraker made for me (eons ago) ... so that part is working as designed (WAD).

Ok, things should be a little better tonight. Found, setup and tested the PVS-14 to phone camera interface. It works.

Also per request, I removed the amber filter from the patrol, to provide more "apples to apples".

Weather today has been clear and sunny. Last night we had cleared up, but 4 of 5 previous days/nights had been rainy. But tonight things should be drier.
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05 MPH

Goal: Nox-18 vs Patrol-10

Environment: A little warmer than last night and less wind ... but not drier ... it was pretty humid ... thermal conditions were worse. Not quite bad enough to generate an uptick in the contrast. Solid overcast, moon no directly visible, but diffused light from the moon was lighting up the pastures, so I had no problem navigating without NODs. Didn't even turn on the Petzl I had on my head.

Camera/14 interface
Double rail
Skeet mount
Motorola Phone with 12MP camera.
Bushy 1600 LRF



Threw the pouches in ruck and Petzl on head and ruck and tripod scabbard on back and headed out.

First setup in driveway to repeat some of last night's shots. And for those of you who are not aware, by clicking on the pics you can see them larger.






So, first, I still think the Nox brightness needs to come down a notch, but I was asked to not adjust the Nox settings for tonight, so I didn't.
I do think the Nox shows more detail, check the underside of the roof of the woodshed. Last night the Patrol had more detail there, but tonight the Nox did. But the Nox is more washed out, due to brightness being too high.

Then I packed up and headed across turtlecreek bridge and up signal hill to the top. I have a really crappy bale up there beside the one tree up there ... and if I stand between them, the critters don't detect me ... so for seeing a long way, its useful.


Cows at about 700yds


I'd say the Nox wins here. Both of them detect, but the Nox sees them better



Snow geese in pond at 200yds


Hum, I'd say the Patrol wins this one. Both detect, but the Patrol sees them better



Probably the most important one, the Nox wins here ... the cattle at 1500-1600yds in the NE pasture. The Patrol barely detects ... you might not see them, but I know what to look for so I see them. Now the Nox is more washed out, due to too much brightness, but the Nox clearly detects these cattle better at about a mile.


Some of our buildings down the hill ...


Pretty even.


Well, night two. I think the pattern is starting to emerge than the Nox is detecting a tiny bit better. But, I'd say it is still too early for any definitive conclusion. More testing ! I've been nuc-ing them both twice before taking any pics. I could go for 5 nucs in 5mins as I normally do.
And I could try adjusting the focus more for both from shot to shot. And I think the Nox brightness needs to come down a notch. If conditions tomorrow are the same or worse, I might also try dialing the contrast up one notch on both. That will make things a little grainer, but should mitigate some of the washout of the terrain. Life is full of trade-offs.

If there are other spotting type testing people want to see, let me know.
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Well, this morning we had heavy mist conditions ... couldn't see beyond about 80yds. That was probably starting last night ... I'm just great at detecting it in the early phases ... but that probably explains why things look at little worse overall on night two. I said we were borderline needed to click up one click on gain (aka contrast) ... and had I stayed out all night conditions would've worsened substantially. Not much worse (for thermal or NV) than heavy mist.
Maybe it is just me but outside of seeing slightly better detail of the shed with the NOX I think the Patrol is showing better images. Whoever told you to keep the brightness high on the NOX was wrong on that call.

Looking forward to more info and pics.
Thanks for doing this, and thanks to jwramp for taking the time to put the pics in grid as that really allows for a better comparison.
Good stuff @wigwamitus
I cropped in and threw your images on a grid, in case it's a little easier for folks to zoom in and see them side by side. Hope that was OK -

View attachment 7483819

Thanks for that JW.

Wig, if you zoom in to fill the frame before taking pics, I think it would help being able to see detail a lot on this end.

I also agree that getting both of them to the best image quality possible is best, so if that means adjusting brightness or other settings beforehand, then that's what I'd do. You don't want to compare 1st string to 3rd string so to speak. You want the best of each going head to head.

Take all of this with a grain of salt. Just my two little pieces of copper. Regardless, thanks for doing this. I'm very interested in a nox. Actually thinking about the 35mm though tbh.
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Its also possible the gradient setting might need to be dropped ... but I will try the brightness first. Most thermals don't allow user adjustment of the gradient, but I often lower the brightness for a number of reasons, including helping not totally blast out our own NV in our MKIEB. I used to crank up thermal brightness ... and my eyes would see blobs and blurs when removing from the thermal. Now with usually lower brightness, that doesn't happen.
... What caliber is the nox rated for? ...

I requested clearance to test up to .308 and was approved, so at least that much. @Max_R will have to address if we could go further.

05 MPH

Goal: Nox-18

Environment: Clear sky, high moon, much better thermal conditions tonight. So bright out there I thought is was day time :D
I could see Orion, but many stars were just not visible due to the bright moon.
No need to turn on the Petzl on my head.

Equipment: Same as last night
Camera/14 interface
Double rail
Skeet mount
Motorola Phone with 12MP camera.
Bushy 1600 LRF

Basically the same as last night.

With the Nox, again, for the prior two nights all image settings were per factory defaults. No changes had been made.

I communicated with Max regarding Nox settings. He suggested increasing "ROI" from 1/2 to 1. My unit was already set to "FULL" (which I assume is 1). So I left it there. He also suggested increasing CE (aka gain aka contrast) if conditions warranted. They did not tonight.

With the house pic, I wanted to get the Nox to see the front door. To do that, I had to click up the "gamma" 1 notch ... then I could see the front door ! But things were still too bright. So I clicked brightness down from 5 to 3. It was still a little too bright, but if I went down to 2, the door disappeared, so I stayed on 3. I think 2.5 would've been perfect.
And all other image settings were at factory defaults.



Coop, woodshed and Barn





Then packed up and moved up signal hill and setup again.

No cows visible tonight in the far (1500+ pasture) ... and no geese in the near pond.



That one's terrible. I nuc'd 3 times before start of each session and nuc'd once between each shot. So I assume this is a camera issue.


Cows in near pasture



Far pasture



So Patrol settings are and have been factory defaults for all shots so far.

Nox settings were factory defaults for first two night. For tonight, I increased gamma from 1 to 2 and decreased brightness from 5 to 3. Apparently I will need to setup each image separately to really optimize. That's what I normally do. But to do that with the camera thingy I will have to keep removing it and putting it on and removing it and putting it on for each shot as I dont' feel like I really see what the thermal can see when looking at the camera. (the TV looking at the TV :D )

For the closer shots tonight. Its pretty danged close. I'd give the nod to the Nox for the house, but the patrol for the coop and driveway. That might have just been a focus issue. Both units were focused at "infinity" ... and have been for all shots, so far. I need to remember to try to adjust the focus on the Nox. But again, that needs to be done with the camera thingy not mounted.

I think for tomorrow, I'll go over to the corral where the steers are and take some pics there for something different to look at :)
NOW keep in mind I have old eyes. But for last nights pics I just did not see a clear winner. That has been my opinion on both nights Most were ties in my opinion. IF that were the case then it would come down to money, warranty and customer support.

At what distance are the house and shed pics taken. In both cases they are very nice.
It is unsurprisng there would be relatively little difference between the Trijicon and NV units. They both use the same core and likely similar VGA OLED displays. The difference probably comes down more to software and image pipeline.

Definitely want to see the comparison between the Nox and MH25. Since both can be easily helmet-mounted, it should be easy for the user to test side-by-side.
IF that were the case then it would come down to money, warranty and customer support.

Nox has rechargeable battery and mil reticle. If all else really was equal that makes Nox the winner.

Now Nox is lighter but Patrol is almost certainly tougher so the winner there is subjective based on your primary use.

Lastly, customer support is a slam dunk, no questions asked, game over win for Nox. Yes, Trijicon will take care of you, but they won’t come on SH and ask you what you want changed, then change it, then offer that change for free to existing customers (like N-vision did with reticles).
... at what distance are the house and shed pics taken ...

Coop, Wood shed and barn are 40-ish yds ... house is 30-ish yds ...

10 MPH W

Goal: Nox-18

Environment: Cloudy, some moon. Breeze from the W ...

Equipment: Same as last two nights, except tonight also took helmet with skeet and 14 and carbine with laser in case I ran in to any targets.


Activity: Went to the NW pasture tonight, where we have 4 steers and "grandma" in the corral.

On the walk out, passed thru a wooden area, then crossed a fence, then skirted along the edge of the treeline until I had to cross open area to reach the corral. In the woods, I was making noise due to fallen leaves. So I was "turtle walkin'" putting one foot 6 inches in front of the other and repeating ... 5-10 steps then a pause. Every 20 steps a 360. Once across the fence, less leaves and able to move 20 full steps before a pause for a 360. Saw a field mouse, 3 deer and as I approached the corral, a rabbit. He moved over to the other side of the corral area.

First took a few shots with the Nox back on factory settings with gamma to 1 and brightness to 5.
Steers (and grandma) in the corral)
I nuc'd 3 times before 1st pic and between each pic thereafter.


To the South 300-350 yards to the tree line. This looked way batter IRL. I assume camera issues somehow.

To the East ... again way better IRL

Then I turned up the gamma from 1 to 2, but left brightness on 5

To the South, cows up on ridge at 800-900 yds barely visible in upper right corner

Then dropped brightness down to 3 (from 5)



Then gamma down to 1 with brightness on 3




to the SE

Then over to the Patrol. 3 nucs and 1 between each shot. Factory settings as all have been so far, for all nights.





All the images sucque tonight, and I wonder if somehow I mashed some button on the camera. Didn't mean to or even try to. Its possible zooming in too much with the camera.

But all images seem to have been affected by whatever it was, both Nox and Patrol, so it wasn't either unit.

I'd give the slight Nod to the Nox on gamma 2 and brightness 3, followed by the Patrol. But its close and viewers should make their own determination. Interestingly, the Skeet on my head looked better and had more temperature gradation/texture on the steers, for instance.

Well, I think for tonight, I will switch over to weapon's mounted mode and put the Nox on a mk12 and zero it ... and go out with that for a few nights.

Oh, on the way back, I went around to the other side of the coop and the rabbit was still there. I stalked up and it didn't move ... I lit it up with the laser and did a mental dry fire. It was toast. But, I didn't pull the trigger. Rabbit wasn't on the target list for tonight.

I saw a 4th deer with the Nox while I was snapping pics, but the deer moved out of sight before I could take the pic. The deer are quite active right now. I saw one in the day time 50yds from the house ! I think its "gun week" here in about a week. So I need to get my night shootin with the Nox done before that starts !!

Edit: Going back and comparing prior nights pics with last nights. I see the same "fuzzy" prior night except for the close in pics of coup and house. The close in pics for night before last were at lower magnification on the camera. About 2.5x whereas all other pics at distance prior night and last night all pics were at 3x. So apparently going up to 3x crosses into a performance KNEE and significantly degrades image. So I won't be going to 3x any more !!!
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Hi Wig, if you can work it in....please measure the distance from the “tip” of the dovetail to the edge of the eyepiece for both the Nox and Patrol. Or a picture of the 2 devices with the eyepieces lined up and dovetail in view.

Back when I had the Patrol I could not helmet mount it and wear my glasses. I needed a 1/4-1/2” more forward adjustment to keep it off my lens. Even with the G22. If the dovetail is closer to the eyepiece on the Nox then I should be GTG.

Yesterday/Last night, putting together mk12 for testing the Nox weapons mounted. Got almost done, then realized suppressor came loose during zeroing, so have to go back and repeat zeroing. Unfortunately, I didn't notice (should have) because I started off with crap ammo (old freedom munitions 77gr reloads) and the suppressor came loose right as I switched to the real ammo, the 77gr I loaded. So I thought it was hitting low due to the ammo change. So testing is delayed by one day.

But I did get experiencing zeroing the Nox, and that is a clear winner for me.

For me, I've always struggling with zeroing the trijicon joystick units, the patrols, reaps and snipes and they joy stick is a non-positive click critter ... sometimes I get no clicks, sometimes I get 3 clicks ... wish I always got one click. And the clicks are pretty high value. So usually I never really get zeroed.

But with the Nox, the clicks are button clicks, so they are positive and they are indexed with numbers visible in the display, so you know where you are. And both the elevation and windage adjustments are accessible at the same time. Not two different screens like on some thermals.
So, I give the Nox zeroing process a big plus vis-a-vis the trijicon joystick housing thermals!


And I still need to tape on the pressure pad for the steiner cqbl. I won't have an ELIR-3 on this one this time. Need to get yet another ELIR-3. But I like having a laser on the stoner rifles so I can engage quickly while moving. I'll be heading over to the new pasture on foot with this setup ... that's about 1.5 miles as the crow flies or 2 miles as I will be walking ... so 2 miles in and 2 miles out, plus I will be wandering around looking for a good position. I have 21 cows a 1 bull over there and there is water, so there might be more yotes over there. Haven't seen any around the house in the past week with the Nox. I can hear them off a ways, but none spotted.
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Very interesting. It seems that GoPro and iPhone show quite different pictures. Even the hue is noticeably different and iPhone seems to considerably washout low contrast details.

Goal: Nox-18. Prepping mk12 for the field

Environment: Bright moon, no wind.

pri mk12
griffin recon5
steiner cqbl
armagedon gear sling
77gr joe loads 2710 mv


So earlier in the day, I repeated the zero on the iron sights at 50yds with 50yd NRA circle target.
Then I co-witnessed the vis laser to the iron sites using the barn at 150yds and the vis laser and the mk1EB. There's a safety light near the barn, so I could the iron sites against the light colored barn.



Then I zeroed the Nox-18 on 2x on a piece of Aluminum foil 3" by 3" at 50yds (I was told to do at 200yds on 12" by 12" but I don't have a convenient spot to do that, so I simulated with 3 inch at 50yds).



So I'm ready for the field.

Tonight with the full moon all dang night and the no wind ... its a worst case scenario for stalking around. So, I'm goin to wait for tomorrow. There's supposed to be a little more wind ... but its supposed to rain and then snow ... so at hopefully that will obscure the moon ... and if raining there will be some sound.

Goal: Nox-18 in open pasture on rifle

Environment: Overcast, but moonlight still burning thru the clouds. No wind, so no sound cover from wind.

Mk12 556(18)
77gr J-Loads (2710)
TH helmet with 14 and skeet


Activity: Walked out from house to new land pasture where 21 cows and 1 bull are. Along the way, moved in the down moon shadows along the tree lines. That lengthened the journey to about 2 miles as the feet walk. Took nox pics of rabbits and deer along the way. Gave up even bothering to count field mice and pack rats ... there are zillions. Dry fired on the rabbits with the laser.
Along the way, I did get some sound cover from a military jet flying overhead and making a lot of racket ... and from a semi rolling down the state rd 2 miles away. So could move faster during those periods.

Once in the new land pasture, headed up to the first hill and setup .. that gave me a great all around field of view.


You can also see the giant TV tower now about 5-6 miles distance off the front of the gun. That's the same TV tower we could (barely) see from the pics atop signal (aka one tree) hill I made earlier.

I finally figured out I got none of the pics I made on the way out because I never "enabled" the pic mode" ... so I enabled the pic mode and did a 360.


That's looking North, you can see most of my cows and that TV tower The cows are averaging about 400yds.


That's looking SE into the creekbed at about 500yds.


That's looking SSW back on to the "olde" land ... hill 1309 visible and to the extreme right signal hill also visible.


Looking W into neighbors empty pasture. He keeps about 30 steers in there each year in the summer. They've "headed to Florida" now. ;)


2x Some cows resting others huddled around the three protein tubs.





Next I attempted to optimize the image for current conditions. These are the settings I wound up with that looked best (to my eye). This shot of the settings was taken later when back in the house


So I kept the brightess at the setting I liked best which is "3" ... the factory setting is "5" ... that's way too bright for my liking.

gamma is up to "2" (from factory "1") ... this mellows this out and seems to get more sensitivity, thus making the image look more like the three BAE-OASYS units I have (at least to my eye :D )_

ROI is set to 1/2 (from factory 1) though my eye could not tell any difference.

So, for tonight's conditions, those settings optimized the image for my eye.

Then with those settings, I did another 360 with pics.


At the tip of the chevron is the one tree on signal hill, though you can't make it out from the background. Its about 1200yds from my current position (I moved to be able to get it in view).


Looking W. If you compare to earlier W shot, you can now differentiate trees on the side of the grassy hill that is the divide between our two major creek systems. Its about 2 miles away from my current position.


On 2x still with new settings, there's a couple of hedge trees in olde pasture demarcating a 40 acre boundary (150 yrs ago on this land, before barbed wire, hedge trees were used as fences and they are still ALL over the place still maintaining their rows, where they haven't been cleared.


2x looking down into the creek bed

By this point I'd been standing in this position for about 75 mins and decided to take a break and hydrate and sit down. So I leaned up against a fence post and took a 10m "awake nap" ...

After that stood up and got back behind the Nox ... and saw a critter of interest at about 400yds to the NE moving ESE.






Now I realize I had a huge advantage being able to actually see the critter in motion. But viewers are invited to make their own call. Is it a yote or a deer !!?? :)

After the COI (Critter of Interest) sank beneath a fold in the ground, I attempted to close towards an intercepting position by moving due East. I felt like I was making a lot of racket in the tall grass. So it was 10 steps (yards) and halt (and look) ... and 10 steps and halt (and look) for 250yds ... gaining occasional sound cover from overflying aircraft or distance vehicles. But I never saw the COI again. Probably headed down to the creek but out of my LOS.

Finally after another hour of 360s ... I headed back again skirting the down moon treelines ... and noting a further rabbit. Didn't see any deer on the return. Heard two pairs of yotes hollering at each other to the S but no sightings.

Our deer gun season starts tomorrow. Its usually 1 week in early Nov. This year its 2 weeks in early Dec. So, I won't be shooting as much, the game wardens go berserk when they hear people shooting at night during deer gun season :D
But I'll continue to test !!
... Very interesting. It seems that GoPro and iPhone show quite different pictures. Even the hue is noticeably different and iPhone seems to considerably washout low contrast details ...

I'm most impressed with the way Jay can quickly and accurately refocus the Nox. No way I can do that. Not even close. It takes both hands to move the focus on mine one hand holding the Nox and one hand barely able to move the focus ring !!! Must be olde man hands :D :D :D
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So.... What does the units mounting interface look like without the dovetail or mount installed? I'm assuming both side are identical if things can be swapped....
so my curiosity is if there is a way to mount a small bit of pic rail to the unit?
This opens up a couple possibilities I like about the patrol having the little pic rail.