Rifle Scopes Nightforce ATACR 5-25 or 7-35


Feb 16, 2020
Just curious as to the opinions on both as I was told to buy the 5-25 for my .308 due to the mirage you see after the 25th power. This scope will be atop my .300 win mag and will be used 90% for my range at 1000 yards.
Also if anyone has an opinion on .300 win mag vs 6.5 if only shooting 1000 yard shots. I like the ballistic charts as far as wind drift and less drop with the .300 which is why I went with the .300. But will also be buying a 6.5 in the future for collecting purposes and to reduce barrel wear on the .300.
Just curious as to the opinions on both as I was told to buy the 5-25 for my .308 due to the mirage you see after the 25th power. This scope will be atop my .300 win mag and will be used 90% for my range at 1000 yards.
I wouldn't choose a scope power based on mirage. I've had to turn down my 20X because of mirage. Regarding you second post, 6.5 will be fine for 1000. Dial for range, hold for wind.
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if I had to choose one of those two choices after crying over the price , Id probably pick the 7x35 , ffp and sfp don't really matter yet to me . I love having extra mag to see what I want to see . I have a 4.5 x 27 ffp that I like well not at full price 2k + , but I always return to my 5x50 sfp just cause I can and it offers so much more for less . I just feel silly paying double and having less mag . Heck even now with a 0 to 200 moa adjustable rail I have more elevation , and still spent less almost a full grand less , than I would have on the 7x35 or the 5x25 good luck with what ever you decide to buy may it work perfect for you for years to come .
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I had the same dilemma a while back and went with the 5-25 to use on my 1000 yard range. One could argue to get the higher magnification and it will be there if you need it. IMO 25x is plenty for 1000 yards and I’ve never wished I had more. Personal preference though and I think you’ll be happy either way.
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In last summer’s Nightforce ELR Steel Challenge in Casper, Wyoming, 40 of the 101 competitors used Nightforce scopes including four of the top 10 finishers.

The breakdown by model:

ATACR 7-35x56 FFP: 24

ATACR 5-25x56 FFP: 9

ATACR 5-25x56 SFP: 2

NX8 2.5-20x50 FFP: 2

NX8 2.5-20x50 FFP: 1

SHV 5-20x56: 1

ATACR 7-35x56 SFP: 1

A complete report can be found on the Precision Rifle Blog.
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what sized targets are you shooting at 1000? I have a 5-25 and a 7-35 (both sfp, no PRS for me). 5-25 is a great scope out to 1000, I have shot clay pigeons that far with it no problem. I do take this rifle out to a mile and that is why I have the 7-35. 25 power gets it done, but 35 is better for seeing that far. If you are plinking steel targets 10"+ all the time, the 25 will do fine. If you are wanting to up your game to pop cans and clays at 1000 regularly, then the 35 would get the nod.
6.5 PRC and CM (even to a greater extent) will have considerably noticeable less recoil from the WinMag. It’s easier to stay on target out that far which will in turn lead to more hits. You can call your own dope. Both are great to 1000. PRC ballistics are impressive with Berger 156 OTM.
I had the same type thoughts a while back, after a year with both of those scopes I feel the extra magnification is great for hunting, live scoring game and ELR but the 25 is all you need for everything else. I know, that's been said a million times here but I'm stubborn and had to prove it to myself.
In last summer’s Nightforce ELR Steel Challenge in Casper, Wyoming, 40 of the 101 competitors used Nightforce scopes including four of the top 10 finishers.

The breakdown by model:

ATACR 7-35x56 FFP: 24

ATACR 5-25x56 FFP: 9

ATACR 5-25x56 SFP: 2

NX8 2.5-20x50 FFP: 2

NX8 2.5-20x50 FFP: 1

SHV 5-20x56: 1

ATACR 7-35x56 SFP: 1

A complete report can be found on the Precision Rifle Blog.
Good info!
The gun store called today and said they had my NF Rail and Rings, but the 5-25 had not come in yet.. So since that 7-35 was already in stock I just said the heck with it! Thanks to everyone’s reply. I’ll post some pics soon
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This is my HMR Pro with the 5-25
I have both in FFP. The 7-35 has a slight optical advantage to my tired old eyes when both are set at 25X. I shoot most everything at 17-18X in matches, but I quite like the ability to dial up to 35x for load development or other situations where I just want a closer look. At some point I'll likely replace the 5-25 with another 7-35, if that tells you anything.
I have both in FFP. The 7-35 has a slight optical advantage to my tired old eyes when both are set at 25X. I shoot most everything at 17-18X in matches, but I quite like the ability to dial up to 35x for load development or other situations where I just want a closer look. At some point I'll likely replace the 5-25 with another 7-35, if that tells you anything.
Thanks for the reply