No B14R in stickey?

This has been asked before, I think there was some discussion about how the b14r ripped off vudoo so it wasn't worthy of a sticky. Regardless, its incredibly popular, I think it's about time...
I’m in for information. . . Been holding out for a CZ457 Varmint (I’m LEFT HANDED) and no where has one, can say when they will get one and some say they’ve actually never seen them.
When I used it back in the day all the ridiculous pricing made me quit even looking at it

When I look at handguns and compare them to what they sell for locally, they are in the same ballpark. Credit card fees, shipping charges, and transfer fees is what makes gunbroker uncompetitive most of the time for me.

In any case, IDGAF if some people there overprice their stuff. It's not like I have to buy from them.
Yea I’ve given up on gun broker. I used to go and window shop in hopes I’d find something reasonably priced. Not anymore. Same reason I haven’t bought any ammo other than precision 22 for over 3 years. 22 is all I’ve been shooting. I may start shooting more calibers next year since I have the itch but have held off because of the ammo prices.
As for a B14 sticky I am still surprised there isn’t one. Oh well. Love mine and shoots great.