Just wanted to give a very positive public thumbs up for Jay(CKA) and North Texas Rifle Precision. I got to take the steel on target class last friday and managed to learn more in about 8 hours of shooting then I have in the past year and a half of trying to figure stuff out on my own.
Showed up early but the fog kept us from starting for an hour or so. Instead we decided to BS a little bit and check the basics of form both body and trigger finger/hand.
About 9am the fog cleared and we decided to go hot. The first half hour of shooting was disappointing as I couldn't connect at 200 yards which should have been cake. We double checked my zero which was bit off and double checked my chrono numbers and then got set back up on the MSTOMP. After that it was bang and clang time.
Its really is neat to know that in the morning I was having trouble seeing my hits even at the 400 yard target and by the end of the day was able to see hits at 200 easily even when doing rapid fire strings!
Anyhow we engaged steel from 200 out to 750 which is 250 yards farther than I've ever shot before! He has a nice setup of targets, some reactive with hostage or center mass flappers and some basic lollipops and steel squares.
We eventually proceeded to positional shooting. Sitting, Kneeling, and Standing and was able to make consistent hits at 200 yards from all positions. I've never had a chance to do much positional shooting before and one on one instruction far exceeded my ability to get the ideas from books and online.
Once my hand hurt enough and my arms were a little shaky we decided to set up for the infamous golf ball shot. I honestly didn't think I had much hope for smacking this thing at 750 but the angels smiled the stars aligned and I center punched the little bugger! To make it even sweeter we actually found the bullet that hit the golfball! I know this may seem a little gimmicky to some but it really helped reinforce the idea of aim small miss small. And for the next hour or so when I'd flub the occasional shot I was reminded that I just punched a golfball at 750 so there was no excuse for missing at the shorter ranges!
We then ran some quick fire drills as well as move and shoot type drills to introduce me to some competitive shooting simulations as well as get the heart rate up. These had me running to the gun and shooting rapid fire prone then moving to the trailer and shooting prone/unsupported then sitting supported, standing supported, and then another run and sitting unsupported.
This was my first formal shooting course but Jay is the kind of guy that makes people feel comfortable immediately. My equipment was pretty basic but you quickly realize how important the Indian is instead of the arrow.
I'm missing allot but throughout the day we also discussed
Mil Ranging and using the Mildot master
Data books and what where to put in them
Wind reading using mirage as well as whatever else is available
shooting equipment
and a ton of other stuff besides just pulling the trigger.
Anyhow thanks Jay for the great day and awesome instruction! I'm looking forward to doing it again! And for those of you on the fence dont worry just do it. I shot the day with a stock rem sps tactical and bushnell elite 4200 scope. Go with an open mind a full ammo bucket and learn!
Showed up early but the fog kept us from starting for an hour or so. Instead we decided to BS a little bit and check the basics of form both body and trigger finger/hand.
About 9am the fog cleared and we decided to go hot. The first half hour of shooting was disappointing as I couldn't connect at 200 yards which should have been cake. We double checked my zero which was bit off and double checked my chrono numbers and then got set back up on the MSTOMP. After that it was bang and clang time.
Its really is neat to know that in the morning I was having trouble seeing my hits even at the 400 yard target and by the end of the day was able to see hits at 200 easily even when doing rapid fire strings!
Anyhow we engaged steel from 200 out to 750 which is 250 yards farther than I've ever shot before! He has a nice setup of targets, some reactive with hostage or center mass flappers and some basic lollipops and steel squares.
We eventually proceeded to positional shooting. Sitting, Kneeling, and Standing and was able to make consistent hits at 200 yards from all positions. I've never had a chance to do much positional shooting before and one on one instruction far exceeded my ability to get the ideas from books and online.
Once my hand hurt enough and my arms were a little shaky we decided to set up for the infamous golf ball shot. I honestly didn't think I had much hope for smacking this thing at 750 but the angels smiled the stars aligned and I center punched the little bugger! To make it even sweeter we actually found the bullet that hit the golfball! I know this may seem a little gimmicky to some but it really helped reinforce the idea of aim small miss small. And for the next hour or so when I'd flub the occasional shot I was reminded that I just punched a golfball at 750 so there was no excuse for missing at the shorter ranges!
We then ran some quick fire drills as well as move and shoot type drills to introduce me to some competitive shooting simulations as well as get the heart rate up. These had me running to the gun and shooting rapid fire prone then moving to the trailer and shooting prone/unsupported then sitting supported, standing supported, and then another run and sitting unsupported.
This was my first formal shooting course but Jay is the kind of guy that makes people feel comfortable immediately. My equipment was pretty basic but you quickly realize how important the Indian is instead of the arrow.
I'm missing allot but throughout the day we also discussed
Mil Ranging and using the Mildot master
Data books and what where to put in them
Wind reading using mirage as well as whatever else is available
shooting equipment
and a ton of other stuff besides just pulling the trigger.
Anyhow thanks Jay for the great day and awesome instruction! I'm looking forward to doing it again! And for those of you on the fence dont worry just do it. I shot the day with a stock rem sps tactical and bushnell elite 4200 scope. Go with an open mind a full ammo bucket and learn!