So it’s hard to follow but these hero’s pull guns and arrest a janitor BECAUSE a car parked in front of the building g he works in may have been stolen- it wasn’t a stolen vehicle nor was the man arrested driving it .
I tend to side with Police...they place themselves between us and the assholes, addicts and crazies however...not everyone has the patience, instincts and intelligence to be a good cop. This guy was battered and his Constitutional rights violated by thug cops and I hope some attorney stepped up to represent him in a civil suit cuz this department's failure to recognize the violations needs to be corrected in a costly manner. The entire department needs a lesson. JMO
cops and I hope some attorney stepped up to represent him in a civil suit cuz this department's failure to recognize the violations needs to be corrected in a costly manner. The entire department needs a lesson. JMO
I tend to side with Police...they place themselves between us and the assholes, addicts and crazies however...not everyone has the patience, instincts and intelligence to be a good cop. This guy was battered and his Constitutional rights violated by thug cops and I hope some attorney stepped up to represent him in a civil suit cuz this department's failure to recognize the violations needs to be corrected in a costly manner. The entire department needs a lesson. JMO
Kinda a harsh assessment- I mean they had the keen intelligence to deduce that someone with a ring of keys standing in proximity to a car - any car most likely means that the car is stole so then the person in possession of keys MUST have stolen the car or have intimate knowledge of who did steal they car that wasn’t stolen .
And he had the audacity not to continue to answer they very pointed and intelligent questions- no peon has the right to ignore the kingsmen .
And they knew where the real danger was - one of them pointed his weapon at the guy who didn’t steal the car and invoked 5th amendment protections and the other fucking genius pointed his weapon at the un- stolen car . Because the un- stolen car could become a stolen weapon of mass destruction at any moment