Re: Not mine. 40X USMC
You seem to not get my point.
The rifle the OP started this thread is worth the asking price, maybe more. USMC rifles do not bring over two grand now as there are many more of them than 8 or nine years ago because the CMP has sold close to half of total production. I do not think the other half were already on the open market. Both Carter and Clinton destroyed many 22 training rifles and some had to be lost to damage or other reasons. My guess is there is 1500 or 1600 hundred of these rifles at best. And yes I did buy two of the barreled actions and I will sell one or both. I have the parts to restore them and the parts do nothing for me sitting in a box in the shop. I have sold quite a few 40X rifles here on the hide and everyone that have purchased one seems quite happy. I have been collecting these for nearly 20 years, which is well before the CMP sold any in large quantities and will continue to do so. It's a rifle I like to shoot and compete with and I think it's one of the last really well made 22's. And the CMP is not the only direct source for the 40X. For your information I bought 12 40x just last year from two separate collections, all I'm sure are either DCM or CMP rifles. I kept the ones I wanted and sold the rest. That's how I've built up the quality of my own collection of shooters and collector pieces. It takes a little work a lot of time and some luck to track down these rifles and I enjoy the search. You don't have to like it, I'm not here to make you happy.
And as far as the CMP auction what they did by relisted all of those sold lots was not legal as I understand the law. The CMP knew that there was a problem before the auction ended. The auction should have been stopped and the countdown clock fixed.. The auctioneer in this chase posted two days before the auction ended that the problem would be corrected. So it cannot be argued that it was an unknown electronic error, power outage or act of god. I was emailed an invoice by the CMP awarding me one item out of 207 and as it was explained to me by a lawyer my state law I had a binding contract to purchase and both parties were obligated to complete the contract. The only exception for an electronic error of the type that happened is if the problem was not known buy the seller. What ended up happing was a great deal of the items went to the large parts dealers. This is good for the CMP as they made 200 or 300 thousand dollars more on the auction. Good for them I like their mission of promoting junior shooting programs and they will put the money to good use. However I do believe they should have honored the first auction closing and awarded the items to the winners. There is no way Auction Arms or Gun Broker could have done what the CMP did. Your seem upset by this and I know I still am and it's safe to say many others are as well. Lets at least agree that this whole mess should be a learning experience and a little more effort should be put into the auction to prevent this kind of storm of emotions. And this is not the first big mess from the CMP, A very similar thing happened with the bayonet sale, and the 1903 sale before that and the 22 rifle sale before that. This happens to be the only time I was interested in something they had for sale. To be honest otherwise I would not have cared.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SDWhirlwind</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Don in SC</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> <span style="font-weight: bold"> Anyway I've sold eight of the Marine 40X rifles over the years and the lowest price I've got for one like this one was 1100 bucks.</span> A former Marines Wife bought it for him as a present for their anniversary. I was asking 1200 but could have got more if I had wanted to show it around more. I had no problem cutting her a deal for a good home. <span style="font-weight: bold">"cutting her a DEAL" would have been at your cost,not?. Apparently respect for those who have/are serving is absent if a financial transaction? </span> </div></div>
Geez Don, no wonder your whinning/crying like a school girl over on the CMP forums concerning the scrap/junk auctions and how you have "contacted an attorney"!!!!! CMP has been your silver spoon apparently for numerous years and your posts there make it clear it should continue!!!! Sorry for the comments but you bragg here about selling prices of rifles intended to be purchased to shoot and not profit from and on CMP forum whine like a little b**** that you have been screwed!!!! What pisses me off the most is some father/grandfather may have wanted to purchase a rifle to shoot and pass to son/grandson but didn't make the cut because somebody with an entitlement narcassistic attitude bought a half a dozen so he could sell off one here and there for a profit. Kinda like your bragging about buying 2 more USMC barreled recievers and selling one to pay off the other and possible still have some extra!!! Oh, and buying what 4 rusty Kimbers at one shot, picking out the best shooter and selling the others without sites and both rifle and sites at a descent profit and other barreled recievers the last go around prior to the one in June...etc etc.
Not like me to argue nor critique anyone but damn I hate 2 faced, narcassistic self centered/self serving greedy people that have no problems portraying themselves as a 'victim' in one situation and bragging about how smart/clever they are in another!!!!!!!!!!!!! I prefer talking out the middle of my big pie hole instead of one side or the other depending on the situation!
I am done. Will take the ban hammer for the new rules if need be!
Dennis </div></div>