Holy shit a Nambu Type 100... These are incredibly rare. These are designated as IJA 'paratroop' SMGs but most of them were issued to shotgun riding soldiers sitting in motorcycle sidecars guarding officers and high ranking officials as they are traveling in convoys. Chinese guerrillas always took aim at the motorcycle troops first when they were ambushing Japanese convoys. Many would snatch up the Type 100s first thing with glee when they found one, but quickly tossed them away and went back to their Hanyang or Zhongzheng rifles. Most of these Type 100s are probably barely recognizeable rusted hulks littering isolated forests and swamps in northeast China, and the rest along with several hundred rounds of ammo each, are neatly wrapped up in oil soaked canvas rags and sitting in barns or attics in Shandong, Shanxi, and Heilongjiang. I saw one back in 2008 over there where it had metal bars wrapped around the stock and was used as a war club and primarily as one, as the receiver had took a rifle shot directly to it's mechanism and was inoperable afterward. Without the magazine, canvas wrapped around the entire barrel for better grip, and the greatly beefed up stock with metal all around it, it really looked like one of these wicked Native American ball headed clubs and I thought it was one too, wondering just how the hell one had ended up in Heilongjiang, until closer inspection and I saw that it was a Type 100 SMG.