Rifle Competition Events NRL Hunter Alaska 2025


Nov 28, 2022
San Diego, CA
I just saw on NRL website that there's a match in Alaska a few hours north of Anchorage. I was wondering if this is a new match or if this has been done before. If it's not new, does anyone have any knowledge of the temp or bugs at that time of year or any advice on where to stay nearby? I have family in Wasilla, but driving 2 hours to the range plus a 12-hour day of shooting plus another 2 hours back doesn't sound ideal.


Edit: https://nrlhunter.org/matches-2025/2025-alaskan-wilderness-hunter/
I just bought my ticket yesterday I think Denali might be the closest place to stay , I’ve been down in Kenai in June weather was pretty nice and I didn’t deal with any mosquitoes but Ive talked to many who have , Ak is a wild place I think the weather and bugs could go either way
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