I think going to a few NRL Hunter matches with your buddies is a fantastic idea, you should hit up the website, take a look at the calendar, and add the "Registration Opens" dates to your calendar - some of these things sell out fast.
That said,
I'd take whatever system you have now that you shoot best from field conditions and shoot in Skills Division:
5. Skills Division is for anyone that wishes to compete at a NRL HUNTER match purely for the experience. There will be a discounted match entrance fee. Skills Division hunters may use any rifle weight or caliber that they choose that does not exceed .30 caliber or 3275fps. Skills Division hunters do not need to meet the minimum Power Factor (PF) requirements. Skills Division hunters may be coached on the clock after they have had the opportunity to try the stage on their own. Skills Division hunters will not be competing for points or the opportunity for awards, or prizes.
You'll have a great time, get to see what other folks are using in your part of the country, and let your experience guide your decision on how much money you want to spend and where you want to end up after that expenditure. You can also pretty easily keep track of your own scores if the ROs/MDs won't do that for Skills folks to compare against your buddies, it's not calculus, you'll be able to compare notes after the match and see how you did.
Having somebody else set up those stages so that you can run them blind is a fantastic experience on it's own, nevermind the need to fit in a division to start, just go and learn a ton.