NRL22 Base Class optics, reticles and zero stop


Mar 21, 2018
Just finished my the June CoF which is now my 2nd NRL22 match. Time for some equipment changes.
Picked up a Savage B22 Precision last fall and based on what I understood was the $ cap of $1,500 for Base Class picked up an Athlon Talos BTR 4-14x44 FFP Mil optic. Really like the APLR2 reticle but that's it. Knobs are way to small, 5 mil per rotation, magnification dial is so stiff have to wrap your fist around it and crank like opening a jar. Even sat for a while just cranking the dial back and forth to loosen it up but didn't make a difference. Had a Diamondback Tactical 4-16x44 on another rifle and moved it to the B22. Forgot about the fact that it's the only MOA optic I have. 15 MOA per revolution which makes for funky math as one of the stages for the first match went out to 224y so multiple revolutions and figure out the remainder. Not a fan of the reticle, especially in MOA.
Looking for a new optic, 6x24x50, 30mm tube.
Bushnell Match Pro looks interesting, reticle looks OK, good reviews. Tough to find but did find one without illumination which is OK, I don't use. Does NOT have Zero Stop. That's something I REALLY like for various reasons.
Athlon Argos BTR Gen2 6-24x50 DOES have hard zero stop but not a fan of the reticle and not a fan of the big a$$ illumination knob on the side of the eye tube. Looks like it would be right in the way of seeing my scope level and just another thing to be in the way.
Diamondback Tactical 6x24-50, reticle is OK, like the Bushnell better. Legally, according the Base budget I would $59 over budget MLP but I doubt local matches are going to be that picky. Diamondback still does NOT have a zero stop.
Arken Optics for a new company seems to be getting some attention. Good feedback regarding good feel for the elevation and windage knobs, good clicks. I've seen several reviews that complained about the eyebox being very picky. Have to get the cheek weld just right to get a full field of view without loosing the edges and few other optics complaints. That could be a big problem when trying to get into funky positions and perfect cheek weld positioning isn't an option. DOES have a zero stop.
Lots of advantages to a hard zero stop but not happy with the scopes that have it. For my current Diamondback I printed a label for the scope reminding 50y zero is 4-1/2 reves up from hard bottom. Doable but not my first choice.
Am I missing any options in the $550 budget range? And we know everyone has an opinion.
based on what I understood was the $ cap of $1,500 for Base Class
From the NRL22 2024 Rules:
Section 5 B. 3a
Base division is intended to be budget oriented. Any rifle system that comes in under or at a combined MSRP of $1300, as listed on the manufacturer’s website, shall be eligible to compete in Base division.

It looks like you pretty much hit all of the major scope players when it comes to staying in base class.

I have no experience shooting in base class. I did not have anything on hand that I could use and I could not bring myself to purchase from a VERY short list of rifle/scope combinations to stay in that division. By purchasing used, pro deals, or taking advantage of great sales, I can build a very capable open division rifle at base division prices.
Looks like I was being dyslexic, I meant $1,150. Everything I've been able to find for this year upped the max to $1,200. I thought I heard a rumor that the max had been increased but couldn't find it in writing.
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I have several thoughts regarding making the jump to Open Class. One would be the obvious for the cost. Voodo barreled chassis, MPA chassis, add trigger, add optic. Pretty typical to be in the $5k range. The other is competition level. I've shot four or five PRS matches complete with travel and hotels. Make a lot of mistakes with positions and typically time out before I can complete the stage. Reoccurring mistake is magnification and parallax. With various targets at different locations and distance I'll forget to crank magnification down, acquire target and crank back up and adjust parallax while doing it. All while trying to get into very unnatural positions to accomplish this. Now that my local club which is my other home is doing NRL22 matches this is a great way to get the practice of transitions, target acquisition and steady positions for a lot less money. (100) trigger pulls at $ = $$$. Closest range doing PRS is 80 minute drive, most matches are 4-1/2 hours. If I get get my skill level up I won't feel like I'm wasting my money on the PRS matches. Skill level is not there yet. I'm shooting against other Open shooters that can shoot the entire match and not drop a shot, others may drop one or two. I'm still at the 50% + level. My thought at the moment is, if I can start completing stages before I time out and get my hit percentage above 80% I'll seriously consider upping to Open. One thought was to find a new home for my Savage Elite Precision 308 that I haven't shot in couple years and use that towards an Open gun. Have couple 6.5cm that are my go-to now.
Other minor factor is while working I was "comfortable" and stocking the safe and my shop with some spendy toys. Couple years ago the company I was project engineer at for 30+ years sold. New owners and new most everything else also and work wasn't fun anymore. Decided SS was less grief so disposable income isn't what it use to be.
Good to know Base has increased. The new rule of $1,300 may open up some of the optic options as that gives me $641 MSRP if I adhere tightly to limit. Time to look at some other options.
Since you seem to like the Athlon I'd suggest a Midas Tac, or Ares, the Burris XTR III would be a good choice too. I think Eurooptic has the 3-18 on sale. Cameraland should have good prices too.
Isn’t there a new classification based on performance instead of gear cost? So you compete against novices if you are new etc….


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As a Base class shooter myself I'd not do it again. Don't hinder yourself. If a scope with features you want takes you over the price limit don't worry about it.

This opens up other options for you as well to make your existing rifle fit you better and balance.
Walmart on line still has the Ares 2nd gen 4.5-27x50 on sale of <$600. It has a 30mm tube and is a pound lighter than the Arkins. I've only used mine a few times but it seems like quality glass, although Chinese.
Curious at what level matches they actually check price cap for Base? Yesterday at the end of our match was chatting about needing to replace my optic and the Match Director overheard. He took me over to show one of his Strike Eagles and how much he liked it. Cranking elevation up and down showing range of elevation and other features. I do love my Vortex. Have four PST II 5-25x50 so far plus several other LPVO and couple dots. REALLY like the features for the Strike Eagle 5-25x54 but MSRP is about $110 over Base cap. Strike Eagle is available which makes a difference also. Bushnell Match Pro ED seems be one of the closest fit but seems to be unobtainium. Not a fan of Chin-A.
I have serious doubts I'm gong to be shooting in State or higher matches, do regional matches actually check for budget cap?
Walmart on line still has the Ares 2nd gen 4.5-27x50 on sale of <$600. It has a 30mm tube and is a pound lighter than the Arkins. I've only used mine a few times but it seems like quality glass, although Chinese.
It doesn't matter what the sale price is, MSRP is $1087.49 and MSRP is what the rules call for.
This is a good example of why chasing Base Class can really hobble you when it comes down to gear. There truly is only a handful of rifle/scope options one can purchase to fit in the box.
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Curious at what level matches they actually check price cap for Base? Yesterday at the end of our match was chatting about needing to replace my optic and the Match Director overheard. He took me over to show one of his Strike Eagles and how much he liked it. Cranking elevation up and down showing range of elevation and other features. I do love my Vortex. Have four PST II 5-25x50 so far plus several other LPVO and couple dots. REALLY like the features for the Strike Eagle 5-25x54 but MSRP is about $110 over Base cap. Strike Eagle is available which makes a difference also. Bushnell Match Pro ED seems be one of the closest fit but seems to be unobtainium. Not a fan of Chin-A.
I have serious doubts I'm gong to be shooting in State or higher matches, do regional matches actually check for budget cap?
The Strike Eagle and most other Vortex scopes are made in China.

The Bushnell Match Pro ED is available on their website.

So you want to shoot a rifle/scope combo that you know violates the rule? What purpose does that serve? Just get the combo that suits you and shoot it. You don't have to spend $5-7k on a rifle and scope to be competitive in Open.

It may seem harmless because you don't plan on shooting higher matches, but you could be taking points/wins alway from a legal Base class shooter, denying them an invite to shoot higher matches.
Isn’t there a new classification based on performance instead of gear cost? So you compete against novices if you are new etc….
Classification is separate from Divisions. Base is still capped at $1300 for the 2024 season.

From the 2024 Rulebook:
  1. Any match hosted within the NRL22’s umbrella of events has four classifications – Novice, Marksman, Sharpshooter, and Expert. Classifications are based on experience, participation, and skill. Classifications are intended to allow competitors to grow and track their progress through the sport. All competitors will be classified and classed up based on participation and performance at any match within the NRL22 umbrella of events that is submitted for score. NRL22 will display classification levels for all members.
  2. Classifications will carry over from one season to the next. Throughout the season, competitors will continue to earn credits towards classing up to the next classification level. All competitors and their historical performance at NRL22 events will be assessed to properly classify new members as well as properly award current members for credits earned against non-member competitors. From time to time, skilled competitors with a lack of historical precedence in NRL22 events will be classed lower than expected however, the system is designed to allow these competitors to quickly ascend up into their proper classification.
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When signing up for the matches on Practiscore, have the option of selecting Adaptive, Base, Ladies, Old Guns, and Open (think there is a Young Gun but not relevant here). From what I understand, Old Gun is same as Open, just we're old. Based on the crappy optic options to stay in Base it's starting to look like I just skip Base and admit to being an Old Fart. So long as competing against the group of bulging disks, bad knees and other assorted excuses I'll fit right in. Many of the shooters in our group are 20-25 years younger and running $7k rigs. Not realistic to try and score against these guys and majority of the shooters are running in Open. OG is a shorter list. I don't remember anything about Class but I don't think that will come into play until I shoot higher level matches.
When signing up for the matches on Practiscore, have the option of selecting Adaptive, Base, Ladies, Old Guns, and Open (think there is a Young Gun but not relevant here). From what I understand, Old Gun is same as Open, just we're old. Based on the crappy optic options to stay in Base it's starting to look like I just skip Base and admit to being an Old Fart. So long as competing against the group of bulging disks, bad knees and other assorted excuses I'll fit right in. Many of the shooters in our group are 20-25 years younger and running $7k rigs. Not realistic to try and score against these guys and majority of the shooters are running in Open. OG is a shorter list. I don't remember anything about Class but I don't think that will come into play until I shoot higher level matches.
Yeah, if you qualify for OG, all the much more reason to just purchase and shooter whatever pleases you.
That said, you can still win OG and whatever other division you qualify for. I was at a NRL22X match a couple of years ago and saw a young lady win Ladies,Young Guns and came real close to winning Open outright.
Even if a new optic pushes you into open, don’t worry about it. I am not real skilled in this type of shooting, shot base for a couple years ( savage and athlon) and moved to a Kidd and strike eagle, and am happy I did. And you don’t have to do it all at once, nor go whole hog. Enjoy what you are doing and the journey
Curious at what level matches they actually check price cap for Base?
It's not that the MD giving you pass that will be the problem. But the moment a hyper competitive Base Class shooter(s) notices you have illegal equipment....they will immediately bring it to the attention of the MD (and everyone else) and then what do you expect the MD to do? Say fuck the rules?

Yes, MD's can make allowances or disregard things/rules if they choose....but if shooters lose respect for that club that's playing fast and loose with the rules they will stop coming. Or they publicly complain and it will lead to you looking like an asshole even though the MD gave you permission.

Despite what some might think....some people at matches DO pay attention to what fellow competitors are doing.
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If you "fit" into Old Guns, that is the place for you. You can shoot anything you want, no dollar cap, as long as magazine fed.

I just wish there was a "Super Old Guns" or "Extra Old Guns" or "Really Old Guns" class for those of us over 70. I was very competitive until I was 68-69, but after that not so much. Competing with 60 year olds in this sport not as much fun when over 70, big disadvantage. Yes, I know Adaptive, but that division has it's draw backs as well.

At any rate, if OG fits, do it. I'm shooting every month if at all possible to support the club and mingle with like minded people.
68 years old so definitely qualify for Old. Gave up looking for crappy optics and last night ordered the Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP MRAD. 34mm tube and 47 mill of elevation with zero stop. Like the reticle. Couple different reviews complained the magnification and paralax were really stiff, hope that's wrong but we'll see. Looks like, per recommendations, I'll be running an optic that cost more than the gun.
Ordered the 20MOA pic rail for my rifle from EGW last week but probably won't actually need it now but gong to put it on 'cause I should.
Also registered with NRL22 last night to get my number and I'm officially an Old Gun.
I just wish there was a "Super Old Guns" or "Extra Old Guns" or "Really Old Guns" class for those of us over 70. I was very competitive until I was 68-69, but after that not so much. Competing with 60 year olds in this sport not as much fun when over 70, big disadvantage. Yes, I know Adaptive, but that division has it's draw backs as well.
Yup. In USPSA I'm "Super Senior" and at 70 you become "Distinguished Gentleman". Wife does not like firearms so for many years I never shot and started again at 60 and became really serious at 61. Made it to a C+ for my USPSA classification and now for the last couple years doing good to come close, no improvement. For range practice I shoot at 10 yards and with (40) rounds use to make a jagged hole for the 1" bullseye, 80% inside 2" and maybe 2 shots outside of 3". Not anymore.
As we always say, "sucks getting old but beats the alternative".
Bushnell Match Pro looks interesting, reticle looks OK, good reviews. Tough to find but did find one without illumination which is OK, I don't use. Does NOT have Zero Stop. That's something I REALLY like for various reasons.
Hey DIYguy,

I’m in a similar position as you. I just picked up a Ruger Precision Rimfire which retails for $619 so I have $681 retail remaining to get the absolute best scope I can while staying within the $1,300 budget for the 2024 season.

I was super confused about Bushnell because half reviews say it doesn’t have zero stop and the other half say it does. So, I called Bushnell to ask and they confirmed that the Match Pro DOES have zero stop. Which is making me seriously consider it.

My only hesitation is it retails at $399 and with a budget like $681, I don’t want to under buy…

Any advice for another person in the same damn situation is VERY appreciated!!!
A guy in a match this weekend was shooting a stock Tikka T1X and a Vortex Diamond Back Tactical (MOA). He put an Area 419 Arca rail on the stock and had a cheek pad on it. He hit 94 of 109 possible (7th of 32)

His son was shooting a Tikka T1X in a chassis (not sure of optic) and hit 105 of 109 (1st overall)

They both regularly finish in the top 5 of the monthly NRL matches which usually have 50+ shooters.

They both lot tested Eley ammo, found some that works and bought a bunch.

You don't need a Vudoo to win or do well.
So, I posted earlier that a rep from Bushnell told me that the original Match Pro has zero stop, but he was wrong. I called to order one today and another rep told me that it does not. She said it has Zero Reset. I’m not sure what the difference is and not sure if she did either do any of you guys know?

So, I posted earlier that a rep from Bushnell told me that the original Match Pro has zero stop, but he was wrong. I called to order one today and another rep told me that it does not. She said it has Zero Reset. I’m not sure what the difference is and not sure if she did either do any of you guys know?

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The turrets have changed if you look at new and old pictures, the current model does not have a zero stop. The old model has a shorter turret and is not tool-less
I really like that one but the parallax starts at 25 and I hear it’s needed to start around 10-15 for NRL22.

Can anyone chime in on this?

You will be fine with a 25 yard parallax. There aren't that many shots below 25 yards like there were years ago when the sport was starting to gain speed and people were still stuck on the .22 being for close range. Most shots now are farther out than closer in.